TEVs: Day-By-Day Travelling Checks

Each day travelling, you must complete a series of tasks to ensure your course is correct and to minimise mishaps.   There are four key roles that should be filled every day, these are linked to Officers: Pilot, Navigator, Engineer, Captain. If a TEV is outfitted with a Ship AI, they can fufill any role.  

Plot Course

The Navigator must plot a course for the day, making a Wisdom (navigator's tools) check. If the Pilot is unhappy with the result, they can make a Wisdom (space vehicle's) check at disadvantage - and they must take the new roll.  
Check TotalOutcome
Crit Fail/=<1 The route gets confused, and you end up losing a days travel and suffer a hazard. Roll 1d4, on a 1-2 it is onboard, on a 3-4 it is offboard.
2-5 The route takes you around an obstacle, you lose a days travel.
6-9 Your route takes longer than expected, you lose half a days travel.
10-14 You travel as normal.
15-19 You travel faster than expected, you gain half a days travel.
20+ Your route finds a shortcut, you gain a days travel.

Assign Roles

Pilots must be assigned in 8 hour shifts to ensure constant movement, or the Vessel must be halted while no one is piloting it. Engineers are not always needed to be at their post, but not having one can mean an onboard hazard is more likely. Captains are not always needed to be at their post, but not having one can mean an offboard hazard is more likely.    

Check for onboard Hazards

Unless one has already appeared, roll 1d100. On a roll of 10 or lower, roll on the following table: If no Engineer is active while the ship is travelling during the 24 hours, the Hazard occurs on a roll of 20 or lower. Before resolving this Hazard, also check for any offboard Hazards, if both occur, they happen nearly simultaneously, with the onboard hazard occurring 1d6 rounds into the offboard threat. If a repeated hazard has occurred recently, consider rerolling it.  
1 Conflict. Life aboard a TEV is a mixture of monotony, hard work, and sudden moments of terror. The stress can wear on the stoutest sailor. Sometimes, that stress turns into conflict among the crew. If dissension spreads in the ranks, the first mate’s activity that day must be spent making a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check to control the crew. On a failed check, the crew’s quality score decreases by 1d4.
2 Fire. A fire can render a TEV unable to function. Pick a random component. It takes 4d10 fire damage unless the Engineer succeeds on a DC 15 Strength (carpenter’s/smith's tools) check.
3 Plague. An illness sweeps through the ranks, perhaps caused by rats or insects that made their way aboard. The medic must make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. On a failed check, the crew’s quality score decreases by 5 for 1d6 days.
4 Infestation. Beetles, rats, or other pests infest the TEV, threatening its food stores. The cook must make a DC 15 Constitution (brewer’s/cook's supplies) check to save what food they can. On a failed check, the crew has disadvantage on any checks involving its quality score until the TEV has a chance to restock supplies.

Check for offboard Hazards

Unless one has already appeared, roll 1d100. On a roll of 10 or lower, roll on the following table: If no Captain is active while the ship is travelling during the 24 hours, the Hazard occurs on a roll of 20 or lower. If a repeated hazard has occurred recently, consider rerolling it.  
1 Double Event. Roll 2d10, and both occur at the same time (reroll future 1s)
2 Meteor Strike. A meteor threatens to strike the ship, the crew must work together to avoid it with a skill challenge. DC15, 3 successes needed before 3 failures.
3 Astral Storm. The Storm batters the TEV for the following 1d3 days, meaning the crew must subtract 1d4 from all attacks, saving throws and ability checks made while in the storm.
4 Asteroid Belt. The TEV must navigate through an asteroid belt, if doing so at normal speed the Pilot must make a DC 15 Dexterity (space vehicles) check. On a failed check, the TEV’s hull takes 8d10 bludgeoning damage from the collision. On a successful check, the captain’s quick direction keeps the TEV out of harm.
5 Creature Attack. A creature or group of creatures of Medium difficulty attacks the ship.
6 Creature Attack. A creature or group of creatures of Hard difficulty attacks the ship.
7 Creature Attack. A creature or group of creatures of Deadly difficulty attacks the ship.
8 Ship Inspection. A military vessel calls the TEV for routine inspection, if they find nothing illicit, the crew are free to go, otherwise arrests will be made or combat breaks out.
9 Ship Attack. A hostile TEV attacks, pirates or of a warring nation
10 Rogue Aberration. An Aberration that broke through the Infernal Legions lines collides with the ship, attacking immediately until destroyed.