In the heart of a vast expanse of seas lies the Island-continent of Altimatia, encircled by its myriad of smaller islands. For ages uncounted, this land has been ensnared in an unending struggle, its strategic position dominating the surrounding waters and drawing the attention of countless adversaries. Among these rival powers, the most formidable clash arose between the eastern domain of Thessera, inhabited by the Serpent-kin and their subservient races, and the Western Okean Empire, governed by the noble elves.
The Altimatian Archipelago
In the heart of a vast expanse of seas lies the Island-continent of Altimatia, encircled by its myriad of smaller islands. For ages uncounted, this land has been ensnared in an unending struggle, its strategic position dominating the surrounding waters and drawing the attention of countless adversaries.
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