BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In antiquity, the halflings of the Eye existed within a harsh and fragmented tribal landscape, perpetually entangled in conflicts that cleaved them apart. Their numerous families were scattered across the vast expanse of the island, their unity fractured. Yet, it was precisely this scattering that would become the catalyst for their transcendence. In a moment of profound revelation, Gelt the Seer, a halfling of renown, received a vision of the revered holy lady Imki. At the sacred site where this vision occurred, Gelt founded the Chapel of the Lady, a beacon that drew many halflings back to its hallowed grounds. These settlements, birthed around the chapel, bloomed into the farmlands of Halfdom, a home promised to them by the benevolent Imki herself.   As the tempestuous Seastorm swept across the land, the halflings interpreted its arrival as a sign, a clarion call urging them to spread the word of their faith if they were to salvage a world teetering on the precipice of chaos. Their zealous mission work bore fruit, as the faith of the Lady took root and flourished, becoming the most widely worshiped belief system across the land. At the helm of this burgeoning faith stood Cardinal Jandal, the esteemed Head of Faith and the leader of Halfdom. Under his guidance, the lands of Halfdom experienced a surge in agricultural expansion, cultivating bountiful harvests that were eagerly traded with neighboring kingdoms. Yet, this rapid expansion and manipulation of the land inadvertently set them on a collision course with the Gnomes, whose paths and rivers were reshaped and obstructed, sparking conflict between the two.   Within the delicate tapestry of the Eye, the halflings' journey unfolds. Their once-fragmented existence now finds unity in their shared devotion to the Lady and their flourishing homeland of Halfdom. Yet, as progress marches forth, tensions simmer and divisions emerge. The clash between the expanding agricultural domain of the halflings and the disrupted paths of the Gnomes engenders strife, casting a shadow upon the harmony they once envisioned. The future of the Eye hangs in the balance, dependent on the delicate interplay between faith, ambition, and the quest for coexistence.


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