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Burial Practices

The Dead Rise No More

Written by Endrise

It looks barbaric, it is definitely inhuman, but it works. and that is what counts.
— Gravekeeper
With the idea that the dead can rise from their grave at a given moment, many cultures and societies have their own ways to deal with the threat of undead. Everything from the more mundane burial methods to ways to discourage the souls from rising ever again.

Handling The Dead


Cremation is one of the most common practices for negating the undead, as without a body no soul is capable of possessing something again. Funeral burning is therefor a popular form in many cultures and beliefs, even amongst the Church of the Wandering Flame.   Most burial grounds therefor focus more on urn walls and other such displays for the dead, with some even going for many decorations for their urn. While the progress does prevent most zombies and other such undead, there have been reports cases of ghosts and spectres to still roam these areas.

Burial Treasures

Some cultures also bury the deceased with something they valued in life, such as their weapon or an object close to them. Even a few bury pets alongside them, either during or after the funeral.   Those without any proper possessions of their own tend to get offerings from their gravediggers instead. Coins are common, kept within their hand and close to their chest. A few soldiers even get a simple dagger buried alongside them as protection in the afterlife.   Most of these appease any spirit enough to keep it from rising again, though such practices may also make them prone to reanimate if such valuables get stolen later on.

Other Methods

Other methods are to immobilise or hinder undead through numerous methods during a burial. Metal rings around the neck or straight decapitation would prevent anything but the head to reanimate, making them unable to escape from beneath their soil.   Some carve in symbols that ward of spirits and forces within the bones of some remains, making it impossible for them to bond to them. A few do it straight into the flesh, but such power wanes over time as the body rots and the symbol fades.   Otherwise, putting them deep enough or burying them under a large enough stone may also help prevent undead breaking free. Sometimes the best solution is the easiest one.

Cover image: Blank Cover by Endrise


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Aug 5, 2024 13:21

fun concept, connecting known burial practices with undead or ghostly occurrences.

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Aug 10, 2024 14:59 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting to dig into how reanimation affects burial practices!
