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Firenchawn Rot

Death & Decay

Written by Endrise

Burn the whole building to the ground. If any of them try to escape, you are given permission to torch them without restriction.
Not a single spore may spread further out.
Firenchawn rot is a fungal infection common around the Subterrane, associated with the mythical Firenchawn itself. Prone to widespread pandemics, many try avoiding it whenever exploring the mushroom caverns of the underground.

Myths & Mushrooms


The infection happens when fungal spores manage to enter an open wound, causing it to spread through the blood stream. The effects are often minimal for most species of fungus, but certain species can cause disasterous effects on tissue and other parts of the body.   Most end up gaining such infections during traversal of fungus biomes or hunting, often from incidental cuts or long-term exposure to spore-ridden environments.


After infection, spores begin to take root around the body, causing internal itching and muscle problems. Patients feel numb around the infected limb, if not develop involutary twitching. As the spores spread further throughout the body, senses like touch and sight may get affected.   Once the spores reach the brain, the patient's higher brain functions start to shut down one by one, often beginning with coherent sentences. The fungus starts to develop and steer their motivations, finding places ideal for further growth as the victim expires.   The fungus then eats through the body to release its spores, spreading towards other victims.

Public Danger

Many civilisations in the Subterrane do fear the infection, as it often comes unnoticed into city grounds and as such can cause widespread pandemics. Entire cities can fall into chaos because of it, with quarantine being notoriously cruel over it.   The Drow treat such spreads through cleansing by fire, torching down infected houses and victims so that no spores can escape. Even the rumour that one may be infected can lead to a fire cleanse, making many maintain hygiene and take regular baths after exploring fungus-ridden regions of the Subterrane. Others let slaves do the work instead, preventing direct infection themselves.

Cover image: Condition Cover by Endrise


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Jul 10, 2024 16:47 by Aster Blackwell

Hey, torching everything might not be ethical but if it works it works! ;P