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Handlens Key

Revealing Secrets

Written by Endrise

Reveal what is hidden. Open what was locked.
— Dismas's Edict
Symbol of the thief god Dismas, the Handlens key is a common religious symbol found amongst his devotees. Combining his domains of secrets and thievery, it is both important for those who carry as a religious icon and a tool in their day to day life.

Revealing Secrets

The common Handlens Key is a fusion of a skeleton key, with the head replace with a common magnifying glass. Exact measures and shapes do not exist amongst each one, allowing each devotee to customse to their heart's content.   Many keep the lens clean by carrying the head in a case, often kept as a necklace for the owner. Others even have a removeable shaft, able to be screwed open to hide extra things like hidden messages or lockpicking tools.

Religious Value

The Handless key is the symbol of Dismas, representing his belief of finding secrets accessing them. Each follower devoted enough has either the symbol kept on them or has one on hand at all times. Being without one is believed to prefer ignorance rather than the truth.


Some models of it go even further than a mere skeleton key or handlens too, adding magical components to it. Fabled creations tend to involve methods to unlock even arcane seals or things without a physical lock, allowing easy access into anything.   Others focus more on the truthseeking with the magnifying glass, allowing it to find hidden clues or see through lies. With the right glass used, it can also act as a secret message decoder, able to decipher scrambled texts or see invisible ink on paper. Quite an effective tool for the average spy or thief needing to relay important messages.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic

Cover image: Item Cover by Endrise


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Jul 16, 2024 13:56 by Laria

Nice article. I love the music that goes with it. And it is very fitting for the god you mention