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Kraken Jokes Bar

Ten Tickles

Written by Endrise

Kraken jokes are actually not allowed here because the comedians kept insisting on making them. One got stabbed because of it.
— Bartender
The Kraken Jokes Bar is a small bar found amongst Faramund's docks, known as both a place for sailors to spend a night out after a long trip and stand-up comedians to entertain the crowd. One can find here humour and tales from the crescent sea, and even get a nice dish of calamari served as well!

Drinks & Laughs

Kraken Jokes Bar can be found not far from the main dock street, tucked in a side street away from the public eye. To find it, look out for the sign depicting an octopus being tickled by its own tentacles.   Inside, one may find a small bar with a few seats for guests to hang around in, a bar to the right and a large stage facing the opposite side. Bolted onto the wall above the stage is a large Kraken beak, once brought in by a fellow sailor as a payment for their drinks and where the bar's name comes from. Many fear it might fall onto the people on stage, but in the years of running it has not fallen once during the hours.


The bar's main speciality is an assortment of octopus-based snacks alongside the many drinks, including a black beer made by using squid ink as a dye. Food like octopus rings and other such fried goods also get served alongside, using ones caught around the coastal areas. On occassion, a slice of Kraken may be served as well.   During the evening, the stage is open for any travelling bards to perform their songs to the public, or more commonly have comedians try their chance at humour. Anyone can be on the stage, though on weekends a few more talented names also visit to give their jokes.   Just don't bother with kraken puns, those got banned after someone got stabbed over it.

Cover image: Blank Cover by Endrise


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Aug 7, 2024 15:31 by Valentine Myers

I love the pun of the establishment, and the fact that such puns are banned because of the frequency XD I also really like the comedy show aspect of it, since that feels like a more modern entertainment concept added to a fantasy setting, a favorite of mine (to the point I have radio shows and metal music as recent additions in my setting) The food aspect does make me wonder, does your world have any east asian inspirations? 'Cause when I think "octopus cuisine" admittedly the first thing that comes to mind is Takoyaki

Aug 20, 2024 20:33 by Jon

That's a real fun and charming article centered around a comedic Cephalopod-themed establishment you got there, it'd be a real shame if someone were to, I don't know, add it to their reading challenge or something like that. Crazy, even.   (Also don't look up Kraken Puns, worst mistake of my life)

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.