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A religion does not have to die for a god to perish, only its worship. A change in power, a shift in the hierarchy, all Thanatheos needs is for a god to feel mortal once again. To feel vulnerable in the face of death.
— Follower of Thanatheos
Thanatheos is known as the psychopomp of faith, the deity that brings the divine whose worship ended to the afterlife. An embodiment of dying faith, many see their presence as a sign of waning beliefs, the final moments of god's power being challenged by the face of death itself.

Divine Goals

As a psychopomp, Thanatheos's goal is to mark the end of a god's lifespan, to let their worship die and new ones to take their place. He often emerges when their followers have died out, as a deity's power becomes nonexistent and their religion abandoned.   This includes wiping such beliefs away on a cultural level, to make their names and rituals lost to time. Even the attempts to tap into such forgotten powers is something Thanatheos seeks to end, eleminating any and all traces of divine influence a god might have upon the material plane.


General Description

Thanatheos's form resembles the ragged form of a clerical figure, whose appearance changes depending on regional beliefs and those it faces. Its tall frame floats above the ground it stands upon, clutching with one mummified hand a tome while the other carries a short mace.   Its most distinctive feature is copious amounts of religious symbols and amulets worn around his neck, dozens of icons from long dead gods whose names are long forgotten. Everything from tribal beings of the ancient past to the marks of faiths only recently abandoned.
Clear what remains of a religion
Grant gods mercy through death
Preserve religions that have died out
Reviving dead gods and their worship

Cover image: Blank Cover by Endrise


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Jul 25, 2024 19:24 by Aster Blackwell

Love the concept of this thing, especially its design, with all the lost religious symbols