Crush Technology / Science in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Crush is a known drug and poison used in the Fae Realm. It was outlawed for public use a long time ago because it has the ability to temporarily cut off a Fae's powers and magics. When dosed in high amounts it can paralyze and even kill a Fae. 


Crush is often used in Fae prisons to stop prisoners using their magics to escape. It is also used by many assassin and criminals to cripple a target.


Mothweed, Bone marrow (preferably human for the best results), and Shroom moult are ground together into a fine powder. The powder serves as a more concentrated form that has the paralysing effect on the body and can kill easier with high doses. 
It can be diluted to its weaker form by adding the powder to tree sap. The sap takes on the attributes of the drug, acting as the version that dull a Fae's magic and can be used on darts.
Access & Availability
None of the ingredients are particularly rare making Crush a rather dangerous recipe. It is easily made and has devastating consequences. The only saving point is that the recipe is quite finicky to reproduce and doing so incorrectly leaves the mixture useless.
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