Echo/Exo Spirit Technology / Science in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Echo/Exo Spirit

Echo Spirit is a powerful drug in the Fae Realm. It is known for the feeling or euphoria and briefly increased power within the Fae, a species unused to continuous powerful emotions.
The drug can only be smoked and the separate ingredients used individuals cannot induce the same or similar effects without being combined.
Exo Spirit is known for being quite dangerous as one of the main ingredients of Echo Spirit, the shavings of Magic Crystals, is swapped out with dust collected from Primordial Crystal. When done so the appearance is no different but the effects are massively increased. The Fae experiences a colossal increase in power levels for a short time and their emotions heighten to a level unattainable to a Fae in normal circumstances. It also comes with the risk of too much Primordial dust increasing the Fae's magic ability beyond a level they can control, resulting in the Fae's magic imploding within their body.
This is fatal.


After smoking a full joint, the Fae experienced the side effects for a maximum of three hours, after which it is impossible to detect any remaining traces within the body. Because of this many Fae use Echo or Exo spirit before a fight or battle or increase their powers.
Some who do so sometimes even smoke several in one go to gain additional benefits, heightening the risk of death.


Echo and Exo Spirit is made of powdered bark of the Dusk Aspen and Magic Crystal shavings (or Primoradial Crystal Dust), combined together and rolled in a sheet of Frozen Ice Cane.
Access & Availability
Echo or Exo Spirit are both illegal because of Exo's potentially fatal nature and Echo's identical appearance to it. The ingredients for Echo Spirit are not hard to attain, with the most difficult being the sheets of Frozen Ice Cane that can only be found in the Golden Peaks mountain range.
Exo Spirit is much rarer and harder to attain as Primordial Crystals are only found in the Crystal Spires and the Crystals themselves are too powerful to be damaged in anyway for dust to be collected. To attain the dust, one must find a way onto the island without raising the suspicion of the professors at Nasrelts and then hope to be lucky to find dust that has naturally fallen from the crystals.
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