Judgement Shard Item in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Judgement Shard

The Judgement Shard is an ancient artefact made by Una, the Unseelie Queen. She did so to ensure students of Nasrelts would receive the proper education for their magic.
When a Fae touches the crystal, it changes colour from pure white to either Black, Gold, Red or Green depending on the court of the Fae's magic.
The Shard has never been wrong. Not even once since it's creation has it ever given an inaccurate reading.


The Shard is the definer of the magical origin of a Fae. It is what ensures a Fae of mixed blood is given the proper education to be able to wield their magic properly.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Raw materials & Components
The Shard is composed of a large primordial crystal. It is imbedded into a setting of black stone at the base. The crystal is renowned for its ability to identify the court of a Fae's magic.

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