The marks of old age Condition in The falling city | World Anvil
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The marks of old age

Once you grow old theres a lot of things that change iin your body. Muscles aren't as strong as they once were, bones may become more fragile, some people forget things and others struggle with illness. One thing everyone growing old however, is ommonly just known as the marks of old age. These are small marks, usually round in shape that start showing up mainly on areas that frequently experience preassure of different kinds, ie hands, the bottom of feet and your back. They're not harmful, but show up as small marks when your skin turns less soft and moldable. When a part of your body frequently experience pressure this means that the skin can get pressed in slightly, leaving the red marks. Since this is completely normal for all people to get, you rarely notice someone who has them. Some in the wealthier districts sometimes cover them up, in a similar way they do wrinkles and anything else that could be considered making them look old. To the majority of people however, the marks of old age aren't seen as anything bad, and some even claim they crant whoever has them wisdom, and is a sign of a life well lived. As you get older, the marks usually become even more noticable, going from a soft pink to a red and in some cases almost deep red. Someone who has a lot of the marks of old age are usually well-respected, even if it does shift a bit from culture to culture. All that in some way respect those who have managed to live long honor those that have a lot of marks to show, in the same way a soldiers marks would be a story from the trials he's overcome, so are the marks of old age a story of all the work a person has endured in their lives.

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Cover image: by Andrew Preble


Author's Notes

Heavy WIP, just catching up on SC

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