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The tram journey

In the middle of the winter, when things seem the darkest, some celebrate the tram journey. Originating with the nomadic tribes of the plains, and loosely translated as the tribe journey, it used to be a tradition where a large caravan of people went around to all the winter camps of the tribes, having a feast every time they arrived at a new tribe and taking part of that tribe's particular food culture. A few then followed along to the next tribe, until they arrive back at the starting tribe which was different each year. There the biggest celebration was held, where everyone cooks the food together, sharing recipes and often times coming up with new ones as different traditions and ideas mix together. The caravan then continues back, having a feast in every camp until it arrives at the last tribe again, who gets to be the first next year. Since moving into the city, many of the former tribe people missed this old tradition, until one day a young boy invited his own family and the one next door for their own celebration. He invited them onboard one of the cities many trams, with both families bringing food with them and sharing. The year after that more families were invited, and the year after that even more. It started jokingly being called the tram journey as even those not formally living in the tribes got invited, bringing their own food and sharing and mixing it with the traditional food of the tribes. While still not celebrated across the whole city, it has become a big enough tradition that on the day of the tram journey the trams run on a different schedule to accommodate the celebration without disturbing the flow of people trying to get through the city, and people throughout the city jump on when a tram passes that has food that interests them.

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