Elven Species in The Farlands | World Anvil
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Created by SpelloJello.

Basic Information


Elven creatures take a humanoid appearance slightly slender than that of the average human. Due to their thin stature, they have evolved to be taller than the average human as well. They also have sharper features, such as jaw, ears and elbows.

Biological Traits

The elven species exclusively have fair skin. Their life expectancy can vary between 150 years to 2000 due to their ancestry from the gods. The average elf weighs around 50 to 75 kilograms, and stands at around seven feet tall.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The majority of elves are strict vegetarians, however some choose to take the opposite route and eat as much meat as possible.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their larger ears, elves have developed superior hearing to that of the norm. As well as this, their ancestry also allows them to channel magic much easier than other species.

Civilization and Culture


The Elven species started to appear in civilisation after The Great War. Many saw the species an apology from the gods for not preventing such a massacre from happening, although some believe that they were mutated from humans.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many other species believe that Elves are descended from the gods, so they believe that kindness towards them will grant them good luck and entry into the afterlife. Those who have been robbed by an Elf disagree.
Scientific Name
Homo Eldaris Sentient
150-2000 years.
Average Height
7 feet.
Average Weight
50 - 75kg.
Average Physique
It is extremely uncommon to find an elf with excessive body fat due to their diet and height.

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