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Black Saviors

A singular gunship approached. Cutting through the dark clouds of the night, the craft barely glistened in the conservative moonlight as the sound of its engines increased. I came out to meet these reinforcements on the hangar floor of the Behemoth, and I was puzzled at the sight of merely one aircraft. I had activated the distress signal; we were transporting dangerous, genetic experiments; one of them broke free from their cage. I watched a roomful of elite XK-23 Sentinel Drones decimated by the otherworldly power of that abomination. Why have they sent only one small craft? I turned around to look at the distant door. Still sealed shut; I ran out without a second thought, I was the only organic on this capitol ship, no one else to worry about except myself. Frigid night air whipped my face once I turned around, the gunship was beginning its landing cycle about 20 feet in front of me. Landing gear emerged from unfolding black metal, the sleek design touched the landing pad, and whined as the legs flexed their mechanical muscles when the ship placed all of its weight down. There was an exasperated sigh from its engine powering down. Sliding doors rolled to the side to reveal three XK units that were unfamiliar to me. DTO Control must've been joking, I knew they had stockpiles of Sentinels, did they want this monster to run loose on the streets? The 3 drones hopped down and landed heavily on the smooth surface of the hangar. They all wore black ponchos that concealed their upper bodies. Unusual, piercing, green glow emitted from their LEDs and synthetic eyes. I still peered into the gunship, hoping at least more soldiers would emerge from the shadows. I did see something. There was a large, dark silhouette over at the back of the craft. I turned to one of the approaching Sentinels. "Is this it?" I said. The drone didn't face me, bringing up an assault rifle from under its poncho and aiming it at the entrance. "Yes, Captain." It said. "Are you joking? Get more reinforcements down here! That thing is inhuman!" Suddenly, I heard heavy footsteps behind me. "Neither are we." A deep voice said from behind. I spun and was startled by a towering black figure clad in a flowing dark cloak. I had to look up to see his- its face. A metallic head concealed by shadow and a large conical hat. There was no mistaking it, this was one of the infamous killing machines created by him. "I don't know you, but I don't think you understand what you're up against..." I said. "I understand. I looked over the manifest. We'll handle it." The robot said. "What can you 4 do that a whole battalion of XK-23's couldn't?" "Kill it." "You can't be serious..." He brushed past me and towards the entrance, his 3 drones in tow. He looked over his shoulder at me, and two glowing, green eyes shone from under his hat; I felt unbridled rage emitted from him. "Remember the name, captain. Hex." "Hex..." "Admiral Hex. Now board the gunship for exfil." He strode away from me, straight to the sealed door. "The door's seal-" I started. A Sentinel threw a charge at the door; a startling boom stabbed my ears. I clutched them but continued watching as a fleshy tendril sprouted out of the opening. The creature grew since I saw it last! The vast tendril coiled like a snake preparing for a strike. It shot forward, straight at Hex. I expected to see the droid impaled, thrown backwards, but instead I saw an explosion of blood. Mumbled screeching blared from inside the capitol ship; the tendril was lying on the ground now, it was severed! I hadn't even noticed Hex's movements, but now I realized he subtly held a blade by his side, he brought it up with lightning-fast cognition. "Beta, Echo, Echo. Move it." He said to the drones. They moved up to the opening and threw grenades into it; after a moment, I heard no explosion, but they all rushed in. And just like that, silence. I must've stood there for nearly 20 minutes; I was wading in a pool of tar created from fear and awe. I couldn't help but imagine the various ways in which they would be pulled apart by that thing. The moment I decided I ought to board the gunship, I saw them re-emerge from the shattered doorway. They glided right up to me, their black clothing stained crimson. "Well, I appreciate you waiting. That was horseplay." Hex said. The metallic squad climbed back into the waiting gunship. "There's a cleanup crew enroute. Wait for them. You have reports to write." He said. The craft's engine wailed as it lifted off the deck, concealed its landing gear, and swiveled 180 degrees. It cut across the night sky, heading towards the distant, phantasmagoric skyline of Imperial City. Admiral Hex... I should look into him.


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