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The woman confidently strode across the concrete plaza. Her slick, black suit jacket flapped in the wind, as a rising sun glinted orange light off the sleek edges of the Department of Tactical Operation HQ. She walked quickly, carefully holding a tablet to her chest, past the array of fountains and statues, past the several looming Sentinel Sentry Mechs, and up the set of stone stairs. Upon reaching the glass doors, a few locking mechanisms clicked once she placed her cybernetically enhanced face in front of the intercom. The sliding doors slid, and she entered the complex. Around her was a large lobby, lapis flooring, pillars, and sentry guns on every upper ledge. Before her there was a queue and a metal detector. She casually walked around the line and bypassed the inspection. Robotic Sentinels didn't turn to look at her when she did this and marched past them. It was like the woman was invisible. Moving towards the end of the lobby, she didn't stop for reception; she continued to an elevator at the side. Going up. Light was fluorescent and sterile in the white elevator. The woman stood erect in the center, her hands meshed and resting at her front, the tablet against her stomach. Her violet irises were noticeable amidst the white backdrop. A chime dinged, and the elevator's doors rolled to the side. Immediately, she resumed her advance. She went out and turned right, walking down an empty hallway. The hall was medicinal, unfriendly to the human eye. The only sound was her heels clopping on the smooth tile, her red and blue earrings jingling subtly with each step, and the muffled clicking of typing from the various offices along the right wall. Abruptly, she froze. The woman turned herself towards a door to an office with a plaque that read, "Superintendent." She smiled, opened the door, and went inside. There was no desk, no décor of any kind, the lights were dim, and a low humming sound emitted from the metallic body of the robot sitting on the floor. The drone wore fine, green robes that concealed its body, the face of the drone was warped, and a voice-speaker that resembled a large ear-to-ear grin was plastered on its face. The eyes were two pinholes with white light shining from them, the light of its gaze was piercing. Coming from the robot's head, a plethora of various wires sprouted from the top, and spiraled up to an opening in the ceiling. "Hello, Neg! I have the information you requested." She said, bringing up a small tablet. The robot, Neg, maintained its lack of movement. "Excellent. Thank you, Malanvia." Said Neg. Its voice was masculine, it sounded like a cheerful salesman. Malanvia bent down to Neg and handed the tablet to him. "These are classified documents straight from Highlord's office. Keep them safe, Neg." She said. Neg extended his thin, metal arm and took the tablet eagerly. "Of course, I value my existence." "Mhm! Is there anything else I can help you with, Superintendent?" Neg reached for the back of his head and brought forth a wire. He excitedly plugged it into the tablet, and his white eyes turned yellow. "Nothing else, Malanvia. You're dismissed!" He said. Malanvia spun around and left the office. The moment she returned to the hall, alone, her smile disintegrated. There was a grave glint in her violet eyes. She turned to the left and walked back to where she came from.


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