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Hyperway 62

I heard the blip of the sirens, and I saw the strobing of the blue and amber lights reflecting off of the sleek, gold metals of my dashboard and mirrors on my Sylvester Sports Skipper. I slowed down immediately and began to glide to the center Stop-lane of the Hyperway. Had I been speeding? I thought I was sure that the cruise control was set to the proper speedlimit: 300 km/h. I suppose I'll find out. I stopped in the designated median area and cut the engine. I rolled down all the windows and hung my hands out of the Skipper. I heard the soft crackle of tires against asphalt from behind me and the intimidating growl of the high-power engine of the Law Enforcement's SUV. I found myself tapping my foot impatiently. I had no fear, malice, nor admiration for the constables, this is simply another delay to my destination in the upstanding Corporate Territories. Their doors creaked open and heavy footsteps followed, getting louder and louder from either side of me. I turned to the primary drone at my window. The automated service? On the surface? A large, gold and blue robotic sentinel stared at me with red LED eyes. Its design was sleek but extremely practical, having numerous pouches, holsters, and bags. An assault rifle was strapped to its chest, as well as a taser, taser-stick, zip ties, medkits, and etcetera. Without saying a word, it grabbed my arm and unholstered a scanner, with which it ID'd me. "Frankford Elgin, you are detained at this time, at 12:29PM." It spoke. Its voice was not pleasant, a deep, monotone sound. It's peculiar, usually they tell you the reason for the detention. "Step out of the Skipper." It said. "May I ask why?" "No." "Seriously? Do you know who I am?" "You are Frankford Elgin, bor-" "Exactly! You're out of line, sentinel." "You have 30 seconds to exit the vehicle." This is ridiculous, I'm going to be late! However, I know I can't deny a constable's orders. I hesitantly stepped out. "May as well get it over with." I muttered. The drone pulled me away from my Skipper. It's metal hands squeezing my shoulder hard and shoving me to the side. "What the hell are you doing?" I said. "You have been selected for a random search." The second drone immediately began opening the doors to my Skipper and rummaging around. I raised my hand in protest. "Random search? No, no, no. Get out of my-" "HOSTILITY DETECTED." The drone shot its arm forward and clasped my right arm, it squeezed harder and harder, the grating hydraulics were everything I could hear as I half-collapsed to the ground, yelling out in pain as the metal man crushed my right arm with ease. A distinct snap was heard that banged along the interior of my head. The snap rattled my entire skeletal system as I was limply on my knees, on the dirty asphalt of the road. "Further hostilities will result in incapacitation. Ixnay on noncompliance." The drone's grip on me loosened and I was allowed to fully crumple onto the ground. Then it unhooked a pair of zip ties from its chest and bound my hands together, it bent my broken arm behind me, and I felt no pain worse as I was left to reside in the most agonizing position possible. I couldn't muster up any dialogue besides pained groans and winces. All I could do was strain my eyes to peer up at the tyrants as they scavenged my Skipper, they went through my belongings, the compartments, they extracted my bags, they took my laptop. The machines didn't bother to handle my possessions well, as they sloppily dropped and left them all strewn about the roadway. Then they both conversed with one another in their code language, a series of tones in various frequencies that was especially disturbing to the human ears. Promptly, they carried my laptop to their patrol vehicle and drove off, leaving me and my stuff laying on the ground, abandoned.


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