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Moros, the Silent Shadow

Moros, the Silent Shadow:


Moros emerged from the shadows cast by the first beings' curiosity and desire for hidden knowledge. He was the first of the gods to explore the secrets of the cosmos, and he discovered many wonders and horrors that others could not imagine. He is the god of shadows, secrets, and mysteries, and he guards his knowledge jealously.  


  • Respects: Secrecy, stealth, and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Moros values those who seek the truth, no matter the cost or the risk. He rewards those who uncover hidden secrets, and he punishes those who reveal them. He also appreciates stealth and subtlety, seeing them as tools to achieve one's goals without attracting attention or opposition.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through covert ceremonies, acts of espionage, and the unraveling of mysteries. Moros's followers are known for their secretive, cunning, and mysterious nature. They often conduct their rituals in dark and hidden places, using codes and symbols to communicate. They also engage in acts of espionage, sabotage, and assassination, serving Moros's agenda or their own interests. They also seek to unravel the mysteries of the world, delving into ancient ruins, forbidden lore, and dark magic.


  • Varian: Moros sees Varian as disruptive to the delicate balance of shadows and light, and their clash symbolizes the eternal struggle between these forces. Moros resents Varian, the Thunderous Storm's loud and flashy nature, seeing him as a nuisance and a threat to his plans. He also envies Varian's popularity and charisma, feeling that he is overlooked and underappreciated. Moros and Varian often compete for the control of the weather and the seasons, creating eclipses and storms that affect the world.


  • Moros's Fear: Moros is afraid of the void, the source of his power and his origin. He knows that the void is a chaotic and destructive force, and that it could consume him and everything else if left unchecked. He tries to keep the void at bay, using his shadows and secrets as a shield. He also tries to learn more about the void, hoping to find a way to control it or escape it.
  • Moros's Ambition: Moros is ambitious, and he desires to become the supreme god of the cosmos. He believes that he is the only one who knows the true nature of reality, and that he deserves to rule over it. He schemes and plots against the other gods, seeking to undermine their authority and influence. He also manipulates mortals and gods alike, using them as pawns or allies in his quest for power.


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