BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1 Report

General Summary

Session Report: Shadows in Ebonshade

  Iron Realm Shenanigans:
  • Captured by trigger-happy guards - Ebonshade's reputation for rebel activity lives up to the hype.
  • Whispers in the woods - overheard intel suggesting the guards have their own agenda beyond catching rebels.
  • A dying guard's plea - escaping with a cryptic warning about Stormwatch Citadel and a supernatural threat.
  Buck Fruckster and Beyond:
  • Rescued a salesman from a tree with an unfortunate name - Buck Fruckster, anyone? (Poor guy...)
  • Greeted at the citadel gates by Belgar, the jovial guard - seems Stormwatch might not be all doom and gloom.
  Tavern Tales and Double Agents:
  • "Silly Tavern" lives up to its name - met "The Major," a self-proclaimed double agent with suspicious charm.
  • Heeding the call for heroes, warned the guards about the lurking darkness in Ebonshade.
  • Noticeboard beckoned with intriguing quests and rumors.
  Sheriff's Suspicions:
  • A visit to the sheriff's office ended with accusations - our escape from The Iron Realm guards seems to have thrown up questions
  • Grounded in Stormwatch - looks like further investigation will have to wait for now.
  Bunk Bed Blues:
  • Sharing accommodations with interesting roommates - one plagued by night terrors, the other having telepathic tea parties/chats - consent to be established.
  Next Steps: Unravel the mysteries of Ebonshade woods and The Iron Realm's hidden motivations.
  • Navigate the delicate political landscape of Stormwatch - are we heroes or suspects?
  • Investigate the supernatural threat and maybe give Buck Fruckster a proper thank you/hiding should he have dropped you in it?
  Notes: Night terrors and telepathic conversations? Sounds like this campaign is about to get interesting...   Good luck, adventurers!

Rewards Granted

Scintilla Fulmen:
  • Infinate Tomato Ketchup Bottle
  • Bag of Holding
  Sherik Longdraw
  • Scroll of portable hole
  • Potion of Lightning - (Believe it to be make things lighter in weight)

Missions/Quests Completed

Survived the encounter in the woods with unknown force
Report Date
27 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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