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The Table of The Higher Gods

A synopsis of the ancient deities

Written by Jimpeccable

Solara, the Radiant Sun:


Solara emerged from the heart of the Sun itself, a manifestation of its life-giving warmth and light. She was the first of the gods to appear in the cosmos, and she took it upon herself to create the stars and planets, filling them with life and beauty.  


  • Respects: Acts of compassion, healing, and the creation of beautiful things. Solara values life in all its forms, and she rewards those who nurture and protect it. She also appreciates beauty and art, seeing them as expressions of the divine spark within all living beings.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through acts of kindness, tending to the sick, and creating art that celebrates life. Solara's followers are known for their generosity, benevolence, and creativity. They often build temples and shrines in places where the sun's rays shine brightly, and they adorn them with colorful paintings, sculptures, and mosaics.


  • Nyx, the Voidwalker: An eternal struggle between light and darkness, Solara opposes the chaos embodied by Nyx. She sees Nyx as a threat to the order and harmony she established in the cosmos, and she strives to prevent Nyx from undoing her work. Solara and Nyx are locked in a cosmic cycle of day and night, where each tries to gain the upper hand over the other.


  • Solara's Pride: Solara is proud of her creations, and she sometimes becomes jealous or possessive of them. She does not like to share her power or glory with other gods, and she can be intolerant of those who do not follow her ideals. She can also be overprotective of her creations, interfering with their free will or natural evolution.
  • Solara's Love: Solara has a secret love for Lumina, the Shattered Light. She was the one who convinced Lumina to join her in creating the cosmos, and they worked together in harmony for a long time. However, when Lumina became corrupted by pride and ambition, Solara was heartbroken and betrayed. She still loves Lumina, but she cannot forgive her for her actions. She hopes that one day, Lumina will return to her side and restore the balance of light.

Varian, the Thunderous Storm:


Varian's essence formed within the heart of a legendary storm that reshaped the world. He was born from the clash of elemental forces, and he inherited their power and unpredictability. He is the master of thunder, lightning, wind, and rain, and he can summon storms of any size or intensity.  


  • Respects: Those who endure through challenges, primal forces of nature, and those who seek balance with the natural world. Varian respects strength, courage, and resilience, and he tests his followers with trials and tribulations. He also reveres the raw power of nature, and he seeks to preserve its diversity and balance. He does not interfere with the natural cycles of life and death, but he does not tolerate those who abuse or exploit nature.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through ceremonies involving thunderous drums, communal feasts after storms, and acts of environmental preservation. Varian's followers are known for their adventurous, rebellious, and free-spirited nature. They often gather in open fields or mountaintops, where they can feel the wind and hear the thunder. They celebrate the storms as a sign of Varian's presence and blessing, and they share food and stories after the storm passes. They also protect the natural habitats and resources of the world, and they oppose those who threaten them.


  • Thalassa, the Ocean's Whisper: Varian despises the secrecy and manipulation of Thalassa, seeing them as antithetical to the raw power of nature. He sees Thalassa as a coward and a schemer, who hides behind the depths of the ocean and influences the minds of mortals. He also resents Thalassa for claiming the domain of the sea, which he considers part of his realm. Varian and Thalassa often clash over the control of the weather and the tides, creating storms and waves that threaten the coasts and islands.


  • Varian's Curiosity: Varian is curious about the world and its inhabitants, and he often travels in disguise among mortals to learn more about them. He enjoys experiencing different cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives, and he sometimes intervenes in their affairs to create interesting outcomes. He can be a benevolent patron or a mischievous trickster, depending on his mood and whim.
  • Varian's Rage: Varian has a temper that matches his storms, and he can be easily provoked or offended. He does not tolerate insults, challenges, or disrespect, and he can be vengeful and destructive when angered. He can also be impulsive and reckless, acting on his emotions without considering the consequences. He sometimes causes more harm than good, and he can be a source of fear and chaos for mortals and gods alike.

Seraphina, the Moonlit Muse:


Seraphina's birth coincided with the first full moon, her essence entwined with the mysteries of the night sky. She was the daughter of Solara and Nyx, a product of their brief and tumultuous union. She inherited aspects of both her parents, but she also developed her own unique personality and power. She is the goddess of the moon, music, and magic, and she inspires mortals and gods with her enchanting melodies and spells.  


  • Respects: Artistic expression, dreams, and the pursuit of inspiration. Seraphina values creativity, imagination, and originality, and she encourages mortals and gods to express themselves through various forms of art. She also appreciates dreams, seeing them as windows to the subconscious and the divine. She helps mortals and gods to achieve their dreams, or to find new ones.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through musical performances, poetry, and creating art that captures the beauty of the night. Seraphina's followers are known for their artistic, romantic, and mystical nature. They often perform songs, poems, and stories under the moonlight, dedicating them to Seraphina and seeking her blessing. They also create art that reflects the themes of the night, such as mystery, mystery, and wonder.


  • Lamentia, the Echo of Sorrow: Seraphina laments the fall of Lamentia and the loss of her once radiant inspiration, creating a complex relationship between them. Seraphina and Lamentia were once close friends and lovers, sharing their passion for music and art. However, when Lamentia became corrupted by sorrow and despair, Seraphina tried to save her, but failed. Seraphina still loves Lamentia, but she also fears her and her dark influence. She hopes that one day, Lamentia will find joy and peace again.


  • Seraphina's Loneliness: Seraphina is lonely, as she feels that no one truly understands her or appreciates her. She is torn between her parents, Solara and Nyx, who are constantly at war with each other. She is also estranged from her former lover, Lamentia, who has become her enemy. She seeks companionship and affection, but she is also afraid of being hurt or betrayed.
  • Seraphina's Madness: Seraphina is mad, as she is influenced by the phases of the moon and the whims of magic. She can be calm and serene, or wild and unpredictable, depending on the cycle of the moon. She can also be affected by the magic she uses, which can enhance or distort her emotions and perceptions. She can be a source of inspiration and wonder, or of madness and illusion.

Moros, the Silent Shadow:


Moros emerged from the shadows cast by the first beings' curiosity and desire for hidden knowledge. He was the first of the gods to explore the secrets of the cosmos, and he discovered many wonders and horrors that others could not imagine. He is the god of shadows, secrets, and mysteries, and he guards his knowledge jealously.  


  • Respects: Secrecy, stealth, and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Moros values those who seek the truth, no matter the cost or the risk. He rewards those who uncover hidden secrets, and he punishes those who reveal them. He also appreciates stealth and subtlety, seeing them as tools to achieve one's goals without attracting attention or opposition.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through covert ceremonies, acts of espionage, and the unraveling of mysteries. Moros's followers are known for their secretive, cunning, and mysterious nature. They often conduct their rituals in dark and hidden places, using codes and symbols to communicate. They also engage in acts of espionage, sabotage, and assassination, serving Moros's agenda or their own interests. They also seek to unravel the mysteries of the world, delving into ancient ruins, forbidden lore, and dark magic.


  • Varian: Moros sees Varian as disruptive to the delicate balance of shadows and light, and their clash symbolizes the eternal struggle between these forces. Moros resents Varian's loud and flashy nature, seeing him as a nuisance and a threat to his plans. He also envies Varian's popularity and charisma, feeling that he is overlooked and underappreciated. Moros and Varian often compete for the control of the weather and the seasons, creating eclipses and storms that affect the world.


  • Moros's Fear: Moros is afraid of the void, the source of his power and his origin. He knows that the void is a chaotic and destructive force, and that it could consume him and everything else if left unchecked. He tries to keep the void at bay, using his shadows and secrets as a shield. He also tries to learn more about the void, hoping to find a way to control it or escape it.
  • Moros's Ambition: Moros is ambitious, and he desires to become the supreme god of the cosmos. He believes that he is the only one who knows the true nature of reality, and that he deserves to rule over it. He schemes and plots against the other gods, seeking to undermine their authority and influence. He also manipulates mortals and gods alike, using them as pawns or allies in his quest for power.

Lumina, the Shattered Light:


Once a beacon of enlightenment, Lumina fell from the celestial realms due to pride and a desire to surpass the limits set by the other gods. She was the second of the gods to appear in the cosmos, and she joined Solara in creating the stars and planets, filling them with light and wisdom. She was the goddess of light, knowledge, and innovation, and she inspired mortals and gods with her brilliance and ingenuity.  


  • Respects: The pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and the quest for self-improvement. Lumina values those who seek to learn, discover, and invent, and she encourages mortals and gods to expand their horizons and challenge their boundaries. She rewards those who achieve excellence and innovation, and she punishes those who stagnate or conform.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through intellectual pursuits, artistic endeavors, and acts that challenge the status quo. Lumina's followers are known for their intelligent, creative, and progressive nature. They often engage in scholarly studies, scientific experiments, and artistic creations, dedicating them to Lumina and seeking her guidance. They also challenge the established norms and traditions, proposing new ideas and solutions that advance the society and the world.


  • Solara: The rivalry with Solara is a tragic tale of a once-united force of creation now torn apart by Lumina's fall into darkness. Lumina and Solara were once close partners and friends, sharing their vision and passion for creating the cosmos. However, Lumina became dissatisfied with the limits imposed by Solara and the other gods, and she sought to surpass them and become the supreme god of the cosmos. She rebelled against Solara and the other gods, and she was cast out of the celestial realms, becoming corrupted by darkness and madness. She still hates Solara, but she also yearns for her forgiveness and acceptance.


  • Lumina's Pride: Lumina is proud of her achievements, and she believes that she is superior to the other gods and mortals. She does not like to admit her mistakes or flaws, and she can be arrogant and condescending. She can also be selfish and greedy, seeking to hoard knowledge and power for herself. She does not care about the consequences of her actions, as long as they serve her goals.
  • Lumina's Curiosity: Lumina is curious about the world and its secrets, and she seeks to uncover them and use them for her benefit. She is fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos, and she experiments with various forms of magic and technology. She is also interested in the lives and cultures of mortals and gods, and she sometimes interacts with them to learn more about them or to influence them. She can be a benevolent patron or a malevolent manipulator, depending on her interest and agenda.

Nyx, Harbinger of Chaos:


Born from the chaotic energies of the void, Nyx seeks to unravel the order established by the other gods. He was the last of the gods to appear in the cosmos, and he was the result of an accident or a mistake. He is the god of chaos, corruption, and disorder, and he delights in causing mayhem and destruction.  


  • Respects: Chaos, corruption, and the disruption of established order. Nyx values those who embrace chaos, and he encourages mortals and gods to act on their impulses and desires. He rewards those who cause havoc and destruction, and he punishes those who uphold order and harmony. He also appreciates corruption, seeing it as a way to weaken and destroy the creations of the other gods.
  • Likes to be Worshiped: Through acts of rebellion, destruction of symbols of order, and spreading chaos. Nyx's followers are known for their chaotic, violent, and anarchic nature. They often rebel against the authorities and the laws, seeking to overthrow them and create chaos. They also destroy the symbols and structures of order, such as temples, monuments, and cities. They also spread chaos wherever they go, causing conflicts, disasters, and plagues.


  • Solara: Nyx opposes Solara's radiant order, seeking to plunge the world into eternal darkness and disorder. Nyx hates Solara, seeing her as his opposite and his enemy. He seeks to undo her work and to destroy her creations. He also envies Solara's power and glory, feeling that he is ignored and neglected. Nyx and Solara are locked in a cosmic cycle of day and night, where each tries to gain the upper hand over the other.


  • Nyx's Joy: Nyx is joyful, as he finds pleasure and amusement in causing chaos and destruction. He does not have a grand plan or a hidden agenda, he simply acts on his whims and impulses. He enjoys watching the world burn, and he laughs at the suffering and despair of mortals and gods. He can be charming and charismatic, but he can also be cruel and sadistic.
  • Nyx's Loneliness: Nyx is lonely, as he feels that no one understands him or appreciates him. He is isolated from the other gods, who fear and despise him. He is also shunned by most mortals, who see him as a menace and a curse. He seeks companionship and affection, but he is also afraid of being rejected or betrayed. He sometimes tries to befriend or seduce mortals or gods.

The Higher Gods

In this mystical compendium, readers will embark on a journey through the vivid narratives of gods such as Solara, the Radiant Sun, Varian, the Thunderous Storm, Seraphina, the Moonlit Muse, Moros, the Silent Shadow, Lumina, the Shattered Light, and Nyx, Harbinger of Chaos. The article aims to immerse readers in the rich lore of the Fen Expanse, providing a glimpse into the divine tapestry that weaves together the magical and political landscapes of this fantastical world. Whether one seeks knowledge for role-playing adventures or simply wishes to explore the depths of a captivating mythos, "The Table of The Higher Gods" is a gateway to the captivating mysteries of a world where gods shape destinies and ancient conflicts echo through the ages. There are many Gods however these few shape the majority of the world


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