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A King's Devotion

In the heart of the verdant glade, where moonbeams softly kiss the shade,   There lies a love that time's sweet tide can never fade.   Oberon, the Lord of the Green, with love as deep as the emerald sheen,   For Titania, his queen, his eternal love shall ever gleam.     With every whispered breeze and rustling leaf,   Oberon's devotion knows no bound or brief.   In her eyes, he finds his guiding star,   Leading him through the shadows, near and far.     Through enchanted forests and starlit skies,   Their love, a melody that never dies.   In every bloom and every tree,   Oberon's heart beats, wild and free.     For Titania, his queen, his heart's delight,   He'd traverse realms, both day and night.   Their love, a tale of magic and grace,   Bound by an eternal, unbreakable embrace.     So let the stars above bear witness true,   To Oberon's love, forever pure and true.   For in the heart of the Feywild's gleam,   Lies the eternal love of Oberon and his queen.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)


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