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Orpheus Cosmos

Orpheus’ mother is a unicorn, their father is an unknown mortal king from the Material Plane. Their mother raised Orpheus on her own and imbued much of her magic in her child so they could grow up to take her place as a forest guardian in the Feywild  

Court Relations and Motivations

Orpheus grew up serving the Court of Hoof and Claw, primarily under Lurue. As a youth they were torn between continuing to serve Hoof and Claw or moving to the Seelie to serve Eachtighren, of whom Orpheus’ mother often speaks highly. Once Orhpeus grew old enough, their mother moved to the Seelie Court to continue her servitude of Eachtighren, leaving Orpheus in Hoof and Claw to be a forest guardian and keep good relations with Lurue. This tenuous connection to two courts can be stifling and Orpheus sometimes wonders if they ought to follow their mother, but knows she wishes for Orpheus to keep serving Hoof and Claw. Why, exactly, their mother wants to keep them in Hoof and Claw isn’t obvious to Orpheus, but they trust that their mother has her reasons. Orpheus wishes to rise as high in the court as they can to secure their place of honor in the court. Orpheus is riding mostly on their mother’s former reputation, and certain members of Hoof and Claw view Orpheus as flighty because their mother left. Orpheus has no such plans and wishes to prove their ultimate loyalty to Hoof and Claw, and the Unicorn Queen. Having a mortal father places limits on Orpheus’ ability to unlock their true potential. Part of their wish to rise in the courts is the hope that they can unleash their full magical potential as a kirin.  

Bloom Attendance

Of all events, the Bloom is spoken of most highly by all archfey, and Orpheus would be loath to miss it. As a forest guardian and a powerful creature in their own right, they wish both to make a name for themselves and find a worthy suitor to tie themselves to Hoof and Claw and prove once and for all that they can be a leader and a symbol of power for the court. There are many potential suitors, but Orpheus has their heart and eyes set on Lurue. Wooing the un-wooable queen would be the talk of the courts and finally shed a positive light on Orpheus. Failing that, becoming the Unicorn Queen’s champion would be an acceptable consolation prize.


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