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Test of Champions

In the esteemed Court of Hoof and Claw, the tradition of ascension to the rank of Champion is a rite of passage steeped in valor, strength, and primal instinct. Knights who aspire to reach this pinnacle of honor must first undergo a grueling trial: a battle against a reigning Champion. This clash of titans serves as both a test of martial prowess and a demonstration of unwavering determination, as each combatant vies to prove their worthiness to bear the prestigious title.   The duel unfolds amidst a thunderous chorus of cheering fey, the air crackling with anticipation as blades clash and earth trembles beneath the weight of their mighty blows. For the challenger, victory is not merely a matter of skill, but of harnessing the untamed essence that courses through their veins, tapping into the primal instincts that define their very being. It is a test of strength, resilience, and the ability to channel the ferocity of the wild.   Yet, for those who emerge triumphant from this crucible of combat, the reward is far greater than mere accolades or titles. With the mantle of Champion bestowed upon them, they unlock the final, most primal form of their being, a transformation that transcends mortal limitations and embodies the raw, untamed essence of the fey. Each Champion's form is unique, a testament to their individuality and the boundless depths of their connection to the primal forces of nature. And thus, with their newfound power, they stand as paragons of strength and guardians of the Court, ready to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.


The tradition of knights battling to prove themselves worthy of the title of Champion traces its origins back to the ancient days of the Court of Hoof and Claw, when the very fabric of the Feywild resonated with the primal energies of the wild. Legend has it that the Horned Lord, Cernunnos, renowned for his unparalleled strength and ferocity in battle, first established this tradition through his own trials and triumphs.   As a founder of the court, Cernunnos sought to ensure that only the most courageous and skilled warriors rose to the esteemed rank of Champion, entrusted with the sacred duty of protecting the court and its denizens. To this end, he decreed that any aspiring knight must face the ultimate test: a duel against a reigning Champion to prove their valor and prowess.   It is said that Cernunnos himself underwent a transformation of epic proportions during his own trial, harnessing the primal energies of the Feywild to transcend mortal limitations and ascend to a god-like form of unparalleled strength and power. This awe-inspiring display of primal might serve as the inspiration for generations of knights who followed in his footsteps, striving to emulate his legendary feats of bravery and valor.   Throughout the ages, the tradition has endured, passed down from one generation to the next as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Court of Hoof and Claw. And to this day, it is the sovereign of the court who presides over the ceremony, bestowing the title of Champion upon those deemed worthy, ensuring that the legacy of Cernunnos and the noble tradition he established continues to thrive in the heart of the Feywild.


The knights must prove themselves worthy and earn the approval of the court leaders to challenge another Champion to a duel. The Champion they select must fight with their full strength to truly test the strength of the knight. The fighters will agree upon the terms of the duel before engaging in combat. After the knight is declared to be a new Champion of the Court, a proper ceremony must be arranged to grant the new title officially.

Components and tools

Fighters will use their own weapon, but it must be evaluated and approved by the Council in order to prevent cheating.


It is traditional for the family and close friends of the aspiring Champion to observe the duel to cheer them on. Any interference from the observers will disqualify the knight immediately. The sovereign of the court will also observe and act as a referee. After observing the duel the Council and Sovereign will decide if they believe the knight has proved themselves, whether they have won or lost the battle.
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