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The Green Knight

Sir Arden

The Green Knight, a stoic and enigmatic figure in the Seelie Court, stands as a silent bastion of loyalty and formidable strength. As the ever-vigilant escort of Queen Titania, their unwavering dedication to ensuring her safety is unparalleled. Cloaked in a mantle of mystery, the Green Knight's gender remains unknown, adding to the air of intrigue surrounding their persona. Renowned as the most respected knight in the Seelie Court, they are a warrior of the highest caliber, having been bested in combat only once, a testament to their exceptional skill. Their presence commands respect, and the Seelie Court cherishes this silent guardian, whose vigilant watch over their beloved queen embodies the essence of honor and devotion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Green Knight presents an imposing and enigmatic figure, clad in verdant armor that seems to meld seamlessly with the lush surroundings of the Seelie Court. Standing at an impressive height, their physique is both formidable and lithe, suggesting a perfect balance between strength and agility.

Apparel & Accessories

The armor, adorned with intricate patterns of intertwined vines and delicate blossoms, serves as both protection and a symbol of their connection to the natural world. A hooded cloak of deep forest green drapes around their shoulders, concealing much of their features and adding an air of mystery to their presence. Beneath the helm, only the faintest glimpse of their eyes is visible, revealing an intensity and watchfulness that befits their role as the silent guardian of Queen Titania. Despite the concealed aspects of their identity, the Green Knight exudes an aura of unparalleled strength and unwavering commitment to their duty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once, in the heart of the Seelie Court, a shadow of danger loomed over the realm. The Queen, Titania, found herself facing a perilous foe. While the Queen was losing ground against her foe, mysterious figure clad in green appeared – the Green Knight. Wordless but resolute, the knight battled the looming threat, displaying unmatched skill and valor. Yet, as the struggle intensified, the Queen found herself in the line of fire of a deadly spell. In a moment of peril, it was the Green Knight who shielded Titania from the impending danger, sacrificing themselves to save their sovereign. The Queen, touched by this act of selflessness, unveiled a power within her that surpassed the bounds of mortal understanding. With a radiant burst of magic, she repelled the threat and saved both herself and the Green Knight.   From that day forward, the bond between Queen Titania and the Green Knight transcended the ordinary. The Queen's gratitude and admiration for the silent guardian deepened into a profound connection, and the Green Knight, in turn, pledged an eternal oath of loyalty. The enchanted armor that once protected the knight now bore the symbols of Titania's favor, a mark of their shared triumph over darkness. Thus, the Green Knight became the unwavering sentinel of the Seelie Court, eternally devoted to protecting the Queen who had once rescued them from the brink of oblivion. The tale of their bond echoed through the enchanted groves, weaving a thread of loyalty and magic that would endure throughout the ages of the Feywild.

Personality Characteristics


The Green Knight is driven by a sense of Duty to protect the Queen and her family.


Social Aptitude

Very poor, hence their silence.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Sylvan


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