Io - Moon


Io contains by far the most up to date and powerful defenses in the entire solar system, unlike Titan whos defenses were not updated after the calming of tensions following the solar scramble Io was seen as too important by the PASO government to risk losing to a surprise attack.

Industry & Trade

Io has one industry that every part of the moon specialises in, in one way or another, fleet construction. Ore is mined from the crust by the Anaconda company is shipped on mass by rail to Nagfsy where it is then processed and refined into the raw materials needed in the PASOs single largest reasource mill encompassing 79 square miles. The refined reasources are then sent to the legendary Io foundry, using the magma reservoir to heat the foundry, where the materials are shaped into every part needed for the hulls of ships up to and including the casting of the half mile long barrels for battleship MACs. The parts are then sent up one of the five space lifts to be assembled in space. The foundry has never operated at full capacity, since it underwent a multi trillion dollar expansion after the incident over Verinox B but fortunately tensions were eased and the new facilities were never used. The foundry at full capacity would require millions more people to be brought on to Io as the population currently could not support it.


Three seprate infrastructure projects mark Io's surface in multiple domes connected by rail infrastructure. Unlike on other worlds Io's hostile enviroment requires special precautions to deal with the near constant magma flows and erruptions which spray thousand degree molten rock over the structures on a monthly basis. All structures on Io are covered in a thick titanium-carbide molybdenum cerment able to withstand both the high tempratures and under go plastic deformation to withstand the impact of the volcanic material.



Named after the planets capital, the Norfolk automated geothermal foundry and ship yard or Nagfsy for short, this region contains the majority of the moons population in the south of the Colchis basin near the Pele magma reservoir to take advantage of the heat for industrial work.   

Marcus Daly mines

The largest district on the moon but also the least populus, the mines have a central hub north of the Bulicame region comprising the habitation centre along with maintance bays for the STCE equipment.  

Tarsus Harbour

The orbital Harbour over the Tarsus region was the home of the PASO interplanetary fleet during the solar scramble and today is the largest fleet repair station in PASO controlled space along with one of the largest training centres.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym


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