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From the edge of her home, the Arbory of Clon , Ridana watched the Eye of Kosh rise fully past the mountains of Vonar. The Eye was as large as She had ever seen it. Crimson billows traced with pulsing white and blue veins, stretched 5 leaf lengths in all directions from its fiery golden center. So much red was a bad omen, or so her sire would have said, if he still spoke. Grenanan was silent now. His roots had dug deep and each day he offered his children more shelter under his arching branches.   Though young by Veltan standards, Ridana was Grenanen’s oldest and The Wander had reached its peak in her. She had bidden her brothers and sisters to care for the ancient one as he turned inwards in his senescence, and before she began her journey they had each given her a gift for her travels. Ampules of Veltan enervating jelly to discourage pursuit and heart sap for healing. A woven vest of thell vines to repel fire and a human-made pack for her trade goods. Oaaken, a Veltan who had returned from his Wander scarred but wiser for his trials, gave her his great axe.   Now she looked back at the wall of green that was the edge of the Arbory of Clon. This was a new view for her. One she had never before considered. Until now, her life was encompassed by that great forest. It no more would have occurred to her to leave the forrest, than it would have occurred to a bird to fly into the sea. But The Wander had her, and what had been unimaginable mere months before was now necessary. Until this unfamiliar compulsion released her, home would be the open sky.

RPG Datasheet

The Veltan are a plant species that generally don’t gather together to form large organizations or governments until they enter their third stage of life. At that time they join a forest of their kind.   As they grow older, they pass through 3 major phases of life:

  • Veltling
  • Veltan
  • Velt
  The Veltan are the only phase that can be an adventuring character. Here is their working description:
  • Constitution = +2
  • Any stat other than Constitution = +1
  • Adapt to Danger = Once per long rest, you may negate one non-magical source of damage before the damage roll is resolved, but after the attack lands. This may also be used against magical sources of damage, but only reduces damage taken by half.
  • Bare Fruit = Once per day at dawn, you may pluck a fruit from yourself that will act as a healing potion. The fruit no longer has a healing effect come dawn.

Mossrick Portrait
The Veltan are mainly found in The Arbory of Clon and The Arbory of Vol.


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