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Chief of Security Drant N/A N/A (a.k.a. Ant Man)

Drant is a Tosculi who was taken from his hive and turn into an Odic by an unnamed group doing experiments for their own sinister reasons. After being forced out on his own, Drant eventually met up with the current group and formed somewhat of an unconventional family unit. Drant being the "unruly child" of the group. Between interpreting firing an employee as license to kill, joining multiple cults, and running headlong into arena after arena, Drant has definitely been a handful for the team. He's very attached to the group he has declared family, and its likely the main thing keeping his sanity together after his past trauma.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small, Carapaced, Rugged

Body Features

Heavy Carapace, 6 legs

Facial Features

2 mandibles, 2 antennae

Identifying Characteristics

Extensive Red Patterned Tattooes

Special abilities

Odic life force magic: can sense others life force (hp) hands are magical weapons with diverse utility converts own life force into magic instead of spell slots

Apparel & Accessories

Necklace with Snake Fangs, Various magic boots

Specialized Equipment

Extremely perceptive

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Drant is walking a fine line with his sanity. While he may be relatively stable right now, with Fritz and Jalan keeping him in a good place, the damage has already been done. All he needs is the wrong button pushed or the reality of his past to be fully realized to push him over the edge. He lost one family, he can't let that happen again.

Gender Identity





Hive Mind training involved basic combat, subterranean activities, and scouting/sentry skills


Soular Power: Head of Security

Accomplishments & Achievements

Drant has trademarked the move: Flaming Flying Hay-maker. A dangerous combo involving Absorb Elements, Ond Fury, and a little DM's discretion. Many a foe has been brutalized by said maneuver. He robbed a museum with Jalan of the Onyx Lion.

Failures & Embarrassments

Fed some recently fire employees to his newly befriended giant wolf spiders. Eaten by a snake in an arena. Pissed off Morpheus by leaving his cult for Heimdall's. Let Jalan lead him into a trap Drant definitely should have seen first. Let himself succumb to a Collective, unintentionally leading them into a trap.

Mental Trauma

Being a Hiveless Tosculi is already traumatizing no matter the circumstances. The fact that an unknown group captured and experimented on him, causing his hive to banish him under threat of death made it much worse. Drant blames himself because he fell asleep after a double shift on sentry duty, which allowed him to be taken. He has extreme abandonment issues and can be overprotective to the extreme when it comes to those he cares about.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very impulsive, and aggressive

Morality & Philosophy

I will do what I must to protect my family.


Bugs are friends not food

Personality Characteristics


Create this biggest hive mind imaginable and find who turned him into this monster.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Experienced survivalist and sentry Crap at talking to people

Likes & Dislikes

Loves drugs   Hates chips

Virtues & Personality perks

Very perceptive and protective, quick to jump to his friends aid

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsive and very impressionable

Personality Quirks

Chitters when angry


Contacts & Relations

Hive Mind

Family Ties

Fritz and Jalan

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Not the best at talking, like at all

Wealth & Financial state

You can't even eat it.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief of Security
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a Scout in the Hive
Circumstances of Death
The Hive
Current Residence
Creeh Colony
Black, outlined with Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown Carapace, Tattooed with Red Patterns
100 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Its called Preemptive Self Defense".
Known Languages
Common, Hive

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