The Foolhardy of Farhold

Year 922 After Exodus

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Welcome to the main page for the Foolhardy of Farhold campaign. This is a "West Marches" style game, meaning there is no central plot, no civilized kingdom, and no set party of players. Instead, all players start out in the small coastal town of Farhold on the recently discovered continent of Rusk.

Players play as adventurers exploring this new territory, complete with danger, adventure, glory, and riches (for those that can make it back alive). There are no roads, no maps, and no guidebook. Parties must explore actual wilderness to get anywhere, and can easily get lost or wander into terrifyingly dangerous situations, since there is no railroad keeping them in level appropriate areas. There are more players than can play in any one session, so it is up to the players to decide where they want to go and what they want to do, and form a party to make it happen. This means there is competition to get to a dungeon first before another group can. But don't be too hasty, or you might wind up as something's dinner...

The Foolhardy of Farhold is a game that combines elements of Lewis and Clarke, Westworld, the Oregon Trail, Hatchet, The Revenant, and Lord of the Rings. If that sounds fun to you, feel free to do some exploring of your own. Below you’ll find lots of information about the world around Farhold and what it contains. As players explore, more will be revealed…