Awarth's Veil: The Changeling Myth Document in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Awarth's Veil: The Changeling Myth

In some quiet bubbles of the Dreaming, there exists a tale as old as time—a legend whispered in hushed tones by those who dare to tread the boundary between the Dreaming and the Waking.   It is the tale of Awarth's Veil, a myth shrouded in mystery and woven into the very fabric of elven lore. For centuries, the elves have spoken of creatures from the Dreaming—ethereal beings of shimmering light and shadow, befurred creatures gangly of limb, or small, capricious pixies; all of whom might tread the realms with silent footsteps and unseen hands.   According to legend, these beings are drawn to the mortal realm by a primal longing—a desire to experience the joys and sorrows of mortal life, to walk beneath the sun and feel the earth beneath their feet. And so, under cover of night, they slip through the veil between worlds, their presence masked by the shifting shadows that cloak their passage.   But there is a price to be paid for their sojourn into the mortal realm—a debt owed to Awarth, the embodiment of abandonment and longing. In exchange for their fleeting glimpse of mortal life, these creatures must offer a token of their own—a child, stolen from its crib in the dead of night and spirited away to the Dreaming, to dwell amidst the shadows and echoes of another world.   Thus, the legend of the changeling was born—a tale of infants swapped at birth, their true heritage hidden behind a veil of deception. For though they may appear as ordinary children to mortal eyes, those touched by the hand of Awarth carry within them the echoes of another world—a world of dreams and shadows, where reality bends and twists at the whims of the mind.   And so, as the moon rises high above the horizon and the shadows lengthen upon the forest floor, the legend of Awarth's Veil lives on—a testament to the enduring power of myth and the mysteries that lie hidden within the depths of the Dreaming.


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