Golden Ships - A Nursery Rhyme Document in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Golden Ships - A Nursery Rhyme

(In Elven)     Golden Ships   In the land of silver streams,   Where moonlight dances on our dreams,   There sails a fleet of golden ships,   That carry souls on endless trips.   When the stars begin to gleam,   And twilight casts its gentle beam,   The golden ships come sailing by,   take us to the endless sky.   With sails of gold and masts so tall,   They answer to the moon's soft call,   And in their hold, they carry dreams,   To realms beyond the moon's bright beams.   So fear not when the night draws near,   For the golden ships will soon appear,   To whisk you off to lands unknown,   Where dreams are made and love is shown.   So close your eyes and drift to sleep,   And let the golden ships take keep,   For when you wake, you'll find it true,   That dreams can make your wishes come true.


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