Inscriptions from the Ruins at Sloga Malt Report in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Inscriptions from the Ruins at Sloga Malt

General Summary

By one ancient elven statue

  Let this spell … and be all…   … like the willow and … Elez's pain. (Note that Elez was the Prince we found in Dendomiel - D.A)   Now must suffering end… our minds…   … this curse canno… must not… en.    

Top of the tower

  Let this be our last view of the…   From here … the Memories and D… are treasured   … this is a sacrifice … our people… chance to continue…   … trapped. The lie that is the Wa… forever.  

Second elven statue

  … is incantation I shall endure…   So that… never… will be.. eril   Peace be … shatter… curse… anew   Let the secret… the Dreaming… sleep.    

Crypt inscription

  Princess Eleril Pon'Revaar (Note that Eleril was one of the Empire's Princesses and Elez's sister - D.A)   High Sorceress of the Empire   To live in the Dreaming is to never die   To live in the Waking is to never have lived at all   (also notable, the Princess was wearing an amulet of proof against detection location and said 'I will not have you destroy my creation.')  

Inscription at the fire pit statue base

… by the order … must seal away…   … for Farin… her mother's hand… (Note that Farin was one of the Empire's Princesses - D.A)   …Blade of the Em… must be found…   Return to the Dream… find the opportunity again.  

Inscription on another Elven Statue

Foundlings spent upon th… shall be red… (Note that Foundlings could be similar to Awarths Changlings, the abandoned children - D.A.)   By Donimol's name are… for this decreed (Note that Donimol was one of the Empire's Princesses - D.A)   The Empire's … blood for fire … rice   … our homeland never… this device  

Area notes from Dalitar

Small tower that when an elf stepped inside, they felt the lifting of most of the Loss feeling and experienced their happiest memory. (Feeling of peace extended outside the tower but got fainted as you walked further and memory effect only inside the tower.) When Dal directed it to a memory of pulling his shadow into physicality instead he was ejected on a Cha save fail. When Goldriver thought about a mundane memory they were not. Non elves felt no effect.   Identifying the tower showed that it was not affected by a spell, rather it was the only place UNaffected by one. (Implication that the Loss may be a huge piece of spellwork cast on purpose especially with the above information, but speculation only as the spell was so powerful it was beyond my capability to study in that time, and so huge impossible to study in one location - D.A.)
Report Date
31 Mar 2024


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