Lake Water Corruption Purge Spell in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Lake Water Corruption Purge

(Not actually a spell, but filed under them for ease of wiki.)  
  • Lake Water from Bardh lake - as yet untested whether this keeps its potency if transported. We have also only cast this while by the lake so far.
  • Restorative Herbs - currently using Attorlade as cited in the old Journal, not tried others as yet.
  • 3rd level magical power or higher - caster's technique can vary.
Subjects must drink lake water, chew Attorlade and have a 3rd level amount of magic pushed through them to purge temporary marks of Corruption.   Can be upcast for extra targets, eg 4th level to target 2 people, 5th for 3.   Has purged multiple temp effects but whenever I have done that I have been upcasting it at 4th. May need to be upcast for more severe or multiple effects (?) testing required for solid data. Have also not tried to target self but assume it would work.   Cannot purge more permanent effects, permanent corruption.
— Notes from Dalitar, transcribed for Aisling from his journal


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