Lucien's Thought Strands in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Lucien's Thought Strands

The First

  The End? Not if it is the wrong place. An ending for some is no ending for all, and those who do not understand that are doomed to fail.   Hmm…? Of course my dear. I will help you.    

The Second

  There is not enough time. As long as my unlife wends onwards will not be enough. Something must change in order to tip the balance. Perhaps if you were to create a new vessel? With the Empire's heart, anything may be possible.    

The Third

  Perhaps if the alignment is correct, the resonance alone may power the spell beyond all other capabilities? The vessel would still be useful of course, but perhaps ultimately unnecessary. To complete everything in such a short window though… That is definitely beyond me. There is not enough time.    

The Fourth

  Sindar understood time better than any before or since. Her magic is anathema to me as I hold my body and mind in stasis against the ravages of time. As much as I unravel as to its specifics, the core tenets elude me. Perhaps there is a fundamental limit to the amount of arcane knowledge one being can hold? This would make sense when applying Manfindel's Razor…    

The Fifth

  The vessel must be willing or all is useless. You must enable them yes, but do not pander and do not force. The choice must be their own. Your own visions have seen this my dear.   Your patience has spanned aeons, so why rush now? What have you seen, Morrigan?    

The Sixth

  It could be more than all your precious fungi in all of Las Marais… You would even risk your home? If something goes wrong, the damage done could pass beyond the borders. I hope you know what you are doing. Why won't you share it with me though?   I suppose this is the best chance of success that she has foreseen…    

The Seventh

  A failure. Did you foresee that? I warned you that it must be their choice. Now the world is lost. There is simply not enough time.    

The Eighth

  The convergence is the only path now. And with those oafs hunting down any who would save this world from their devastation, I must make ready to leave Cerin Gul before they strike here again. I ought to be able to move sufficient components to perform the ritual in time, but so much will be lost. I will burn what I can to stop them learning what they mustn't. None else should know the Rites.    

The Ninth

  If I cannot replicate her work, I will use hers. I still cannot comprehend how she maintained that much raw power, but if I am right about her weaves there will be some remnant that I can tap into. We must all make time for that which is important to us. chuckles


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