Vanya Awarthiel Character in The Forest of Davokar | World Anvil
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Vanya Awarthiel

Vanya Awarthiel (a.k.a. Alarë)

Vanya (prev. Alarë) is a cheerful tiefling who can either be found laughing and smiling in a tavern or deep in thought in the dense growth of nature, inspecting some flora or fauna. Three items are always on her person, a battered ancient voil, a set of solid glass vials and a book with a heavy padlock on it. Vanya has probably at some point met everyone, either on a solitary walk away from the majority of the camp or round the fire getting wasted, very easily, as she is a lightweight.   Vanya is known for her in depth knowledge of flora and has created many an alchemical mix for a variety of reasons from hangover cures to hunting toxins, and is always keen to teach and learn about the botanical world.   She has spoken at times of her plan to start a tavern and create a place that was welcoming and warm like those she heard of from stories of her mother's youth. Maybe with an alchemy shop above, where she could create healing potions for the brave adventurers. If she has ever told you this story she will inevitably have gone on to talk about some strapping adventurer walking in and sweeping her off her feet and so on. She is a romantic through and through.   Although Vanya is readily able to put people at ease she has difficulty telling when someone is deceiving her or means her ill.   If you have made stops in the outskirts of the Vale you might have experienced Vanya's potions for yourself while travelling around. She was often going from village to village peddling her wares and became relatively well known to the villagers. You gather however that she has never before been close to the capital of Ypakar.   Familiar: Goodberry :3


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