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Dave Spud

Synopsis of Dave

  Dave's Life has always been a simple story. He wakes up each day bright and early with a wide smile plastered on his face stretching ear to ear only outmatched in grandeur by his fantastical Moustache. With a big stretch he yawns loudly and gets up out of his simple bed and prepares himself for the day ahead. His wife Casandra as usual seems to have spent the night out with the girls again leaving him to tend to the morning routine of taking care of his 5 wonderful children.

Now some would question how a human couple managed to birth a whole litter of halflings but not Dave. He knows in his heart that despite Kaylee, his oldest, having elven antlers and narrow eyes; Jim, his second oldest having orc tusks; Ellawyn, having a shorter disposition almost like that of a gnome; Baron, having an extremely dark complexion and little Sussie being a blue color that each and every child is for sure his own blood without any doubts.

Despite what others think its obvious the little ones love him very much for after each morning routine his children circle around hugging him very tight and wishing him an excellent day with their own wide smiles mimicking their fathers. With a wave of his big hand he heads of to do what he loves most, Farm potatoes!

Backstory of Dave's family

Flashing back: Since the day he was old enough to hoe well by himself Dave has been using his body to help his community. He would set out from the same small home he lives in currently with his father Mathias Spud. Mathias was a dreamer and had high expectations for his son. He raised Dave to strive for perfection and be the very best civil servant he could be. He would drill Dave each day while they tiled the hard frozen dirt that his body is a blessing given to him by their Lord Windsor who rules over the small town of Windsor that they nearby and in conjunction the farming village of Spud they live in.

His father would praise at length Lord Davenport recounting his stories from the Goblin Wars he fought along side the Lord, long ago. His Father was also a simple man and had been a knight high up in the ranks of the Lord's service. His Father served faithfully and would be doing so even to this day if not for having become crippled by an arrow to the knee from an assassination attempt on the lord. As a reward for his services the Lord granted Mathias rule and ownership over a small farming community at Mathias' request. The lord was at first puzzled by Mathias's modest request and asked him "Why do you request so little for having given myself and this land so much?" Mathias had answered,

"Because anything more would cost the lands i served more than i am worth. My life is the Kingdoms and I gladly would give it again so long as it kept the people safe."

Dave always thought this outlook was the greatest quality of his father and the king seems to have agreed as he immediately granted Mathias his request and proclaimed that if ever Mathias or his family were to need aid they could call upon Windsor for a single favor/boon and it would be granted by himself or his kin so long as it lie within his power. Mathias would tell this story among many others each day as they tilled and Dave would listen aptly

The Family Crypt

Spud Family Crypt   Location: A small island in the lake near Spud Village   Purpose: Final resting place for the Spud family patriarchs and protectors of the Earthborn Titan Heart   Description: The Spud Family Crypt is a sacred location known only to the members of the Spud family. It is situated on a small island in the lake near Spud Village. The crypt serves as the final resting place for the patriarchs of the Spud family, who have historically been the protectors of the Earthborn Titan Heart (One of the children of the council)   The crypt's entrance is marked by a weathered but sturdy stone wall that encloses a wide, circular space. Within the wall lies a small crypt surrounded by well-tended flower beds. To enter the crypt, one must grasp the symbol of the Elder and speak a specific phrase. The emblem emits a faint glow, allowing the individual to pass through the entrance.   Inside the crypt, a spiraling staircase descends further and further into the earth with each passing generation of Spud patriarchs. Simple stone coffins embedded into the walls serve as the resting places for these family members. The crypt echoes with the pulse of what sounds like a sleeping, beating heart—a slow, powerful throb that vibrates the air.   At the base of the staircase lies a massive stone heart from a slain earthborn titan that once threatened the land. With the Elder's blessing, the Spud family defeated the creature and secured its heart within their crypt to guard against those who would misuse its power. The Spud family is entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the heart and ensuring that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

After working on the farm for all these years, he has an above average level of endurance and fitness, well-defined forearms, muscular build.

Facial Features

Thick Black Moustache

Special abilities

Great Endurance in a fight

Apparel & Accessories

Commoner clothing

Specialized Equipment

Farming Equipment and his father's sword

Mental characteristics


Hardly any education


Second in command of Spud and Keeper of the Elder (Paladin)

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of the best potato farmers in the region

Mental Trauma

Both of his parents died during the potato famine

Morality & Philosophy

He is an ignorant oaf, who lives by a set of rules to do good to everyone

Personality Characteristics


Serves the Lord Windsor and the Elder


Religious Views

Devout Follower of The Elder
Lawful Good
Current Status
Almost harvest time for the potatoes
Current Location
Current Residence
Small hut in the village of Spud
Curly, Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs
The Elder
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Human, Dwarven

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