Log Pose

Wondrous Item, Rare(Exploration Pose) or Very Rare(Eternal Pose)    
  • A Log Pose is a small glass orb with a compass needle suspended within. These highly sought-after navigation tools are the sole reason that people are able to traverse the Grand Line, despite its lack of reliable magnetic fields. A Log Pose functions by attuning to the nearest and most powerful magnetic field. The Pose will then point to the next most powerful field, which usually ends up being an island.  
  • There exist two varieties of "exploration" class Log Pose, the single and the triple point. Exploration Poses are typically worn on the wrist of a navigator, bound by a leather strap. Single Points are your basic Pose with one needle that aligns to the nearest island and can be used in the first half of the Grand Line(Paradise) without issue. Triple point Poses are made to be used exclusively in the New World, which boasts more volatile magnetic interference compared Paradise that render single point Poses nearly useless. A triple point Pose has three separate needles contained within its orb that point to the three nearest magnetic fields, allowing a competent navigator to triangulate the location of nearby land masses. Though they are almost 100% accurate in their measurements, all exploration class Log Poses suffer from a single fatal drawback: The time spent attuning to an island's magnetic field varies wildly and can range from a few hours to several years, which makes journeys to certain islands undesirable or downright halting for most.
  • More rare and reliable than exploration variants are Eternal Poses, which only point to a single island no matter where on the planet they are. Eternal Poses are usually framed with a wooden or metallic casing to prevent damage from unexpected impacts.
Pictured from Left to Right: Single Point and Triple Point Pose
Item type
Navigational Aid / Instrument
Base Price
Pictured: An Eternal Pose, Set to Alabasta.