The Bear Bear Fruit: Model Grizzly

Level 1:

  • Animal Transformation: As an action on your turn you can transform into a grizzly bear. Any items being worn or carried can be assimilated into the new form. Spells that require somatic components cannot be cast while in this form. While in this form you do not benefit from armor you were wearing prior to transforming. You retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores if they are higher than that of a grizzly bear. You can use a bonus action to revert to your normal form. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before transforming. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. When this happens, you cannot transform fully again for 1d4 hours.
  • Hybrid Form: You may use a bonus action on your turn to transform a single part of your body into that of a bear(ex. transforming the head into a bear's to gain fangs, sprouting fur on the body to to protect from the cold, growing bear claws to attack with, replacing your voicebox with that of a bear, etc.).
  • Animal Aspect: You gain +1 to your Strength and Constitution scores(up to a maximum of 20). You gain proficiency on Perception checks that rely on smell. If you are already proficient in Perception, you gain Expertise on Perception checks that rely on smell.
  • Bestial Vitality: Once per long rest, you may use a bonus action on your turn to regain 4d6 hit points instantly. When you take a short rest, you gain an extra pool of hit dice equal to your proficiency modifier(does not stack). After each rest(short or long) you gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to 3 times your proficiency modifier. This pool of health remains until it is depleted or you take another rest, at which point the pool is refreshed.
  • Threatening Roar: As an action on your turn you let out a loud roar. Creatures that can hear within 30ft. of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the effect ends. Creatures affected in this way can repeat the save at the start of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. You can use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to half your proficiency modifier(rounded up).

Level 2:

  • Improved Animal Transformation: You can now use a bonus action on your turn to fully transform. Your walking speed is increased to 50ft. while in your full animal form.
  • Improved Hybrid Form: You may now transform up to 2 parts of your body per use of this ability.
  • Improved Animal Aspect: You are now proficient in Strength and Constitution saving throws.
  • Improved Bestial Vitality: When taking a short rest, you now heal for the maximum amount for each hit dice spent.
  • Improved Threatening Roar: The save DC for this ability increases to 17. The range for this ability increases to 40ft.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Animal Transformation: Your walking speed is increased to 60ft. while in your full animal form. When fully transformed you gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Advanced Hybrid Form: You can now use a free action on your turn to transform your body in any way you see fit. When you have at least half of your body transformed, you gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Advanced Animal Aspect: You gain advantage on all Strength checks and saving throws, as well as any Perception checks you make that rely on smell.
  • Advanced Bestial Vitality: You can make use of Bestial Vitality a number of times per long rest equal to half your proficiency modifier(rounded up). You now heal for 6d8 hit points when using Bestial Vitality.
  • Advanced Threatening Roar: The save DC for this ability increases to 19. The range for this ability increases to 60ft. Creatures that fail the saving throw for this ability by more than 5 cannot repeat the save again for 24 hours.

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Zoan
  • Notoriety: Completely Unknown
  • Estimated Worth: 100,000-250,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
No image of this fruit exists(yet).