The Cage-Cage Fruit

Level 1:

  • Chain Body: You become able to produce, manipulate, and even become chains. As a bonus action on your turn, you may transform a single part of your body into a nonmagical chain of your own design(at this level of mastery you can only create basic chains of iron). Alternatively you may produce a single nonmagical chain of your own design from your body. You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier. Chains produced or transformed by this feature are treated as nonmagical items and can(at this level of mastery) extend up to 10ft. from your body, have an AC of 18, 20 hit points, and have resistance to piercing damage as well as immunity to poison, psychic, and thunder damage. When a chain produced or transformed by this feature is reduced to 0 hit points, that chain disappears or reverts back into the body part that you transformed it from(you take any excess damage left over from the offending source if you transformed). You control all of the chains that you produce, and can animate them freely by using an action on your turn. You may maintain a transformed part of your body as long as you are conscious, while chains that are produced by this feature remain for a number of minutes equal to double your proficiency modifier, after which point they disappear. You can dispel any number of chains produced by this feature as a bonus action.
  • Chain Whip: You can use your action on your turn to make a single melee weapon attack against a number of creatures within range equal to how many chains you currently control(you make a flat attack roll with no modifiers). On a hit you deal 2d6 bludgeoning damage to a creature.
  • Binding Chains: You can use your action on your turn to attempt to grapple a number of Large or smaller creatures within range equal to how many chains you currently control(you add no modifiers to this check). On a success a creature is restrained. A creature restrained in this way can attempt to break free from these chains at the start of each of its turns by making a DC20 Strength check, destroying the chains on a success. If a chain that was made by transforming a part of your body is broken in this way, you take 30 bludgeoning damage.

Level 2:

  • Improved Chain Body: You may now transform or produce a number of chains equal to half of your proficiency modifier(rounded down) at a time. Your chains can now extend up to 30ft. from your body.
  • Improved Chain Whip: The damage dealt by your Chain Whip increases to 3d6. You may now add your proficiency modifier to any attacks made with your Chain Whip.
  • Chain Sense: You gain tremorsense through chains that you control at a range of 10ft.
  • Chain Sweep: You can use an action on your turn to swing a single chain you control in a wide arc, forcing any creatures within range of that chain to make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure a creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a success a creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Chain Body: You may now transform or produce a number of chains equal to your proficiency modifier at a time. Your chains can now extend up to 60ft. from your body. Chains produced by this feature now remain until they are dispelled by you or destroyed and are treated as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.
  • Advanced Chain Whip: The damage dealt by your Chain Whip increases to 5d6, and you can now choose to force a creature hit by your Chain Whip to make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by your Binding Chains feature.
  • Advanced Binding Chains: You now add your proficiency modifier to any grapple checks made with your Binding Chains. You can now make any chains that you are currently using to grapple/restrain a creature sprout spikes and hooks, causing the grappled/restrained creature to take 2d6 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. You can now grapple/restrain creatures of Huge or smaller size.
  • Advanced Chain Sweep: The save DC for your Chain Sweep increases to 18. Your Chain Sweep now deals 4d8 bludgeoning damage.

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Special Paramecia
  • Notoriety: Known
  • Estimated Worth: 500,000-1,000,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
Item type
Consumable, Magical
The Cage-Cage Fruit