The Door-Door Fruit

Level 1:

  • Door Creation: You gain the ability to create an opening in space(henceforth refered to as a "door") that leads into and/or out of a pocket dimension of your creation. As an action on your turn you can create a single door into or out of your pocket dimension in any unoccupied space within your reach. The pocket dimension you create is a perfect copy of the regular world; however it is void of all life, water, and natural colors(you may choose the color scheme of your dimension). Divination and teleportation magics do not work properly while their targets are within this dimension. A Divination spell cast to detect a creature that is inside the pocket dimension will only function as normal if the spell is also cast within the dimension. Otherwise, the spell can only divine the creature's last position outside of the pocket dimension, until that creature re-enters the regular world. Teleportation spells cannot take creatures or objects into or out of the pocket dimension, but can be used to move within it as normal. The doors that you create can be of any shape or size that you choose, and can be large enough to allow up to 2 Medium(or 1 Large) sized creatures through at a time. The doors that you create remain active(open) for 1 minute unless you are incapacitated, knocked unconscious, or you voluntarily close the door. While a door that you have created is open, any creature that can fit through the door may enter on either side by using 5ft. of movement, exiting into an unoccupied space within 5ft. of that door's counterpart. You can choose to have the counterpart of a door you create appear up to 30ft. away from where you first created it on the opposite side(the space must be unoccupied). At this level of mastery you can have only one door active at a time. Before you end your turn(unless stated in an ability's description), you can choose to close a single door that you have opened without using any kind of action. Whenever you close a door that you created, that door and its counterpart will disappear. You may create a number of doors per long rest equal to four times your proficiency modifier.

Level 2:

  • Improved Door Creation: You can now use your Door Creation as a bonus action on your turn. You can now have up to 2 doors active at once. You can now close as many doors as you have active before you end your turn.
  • Escape Door: When you are hit with a melee weapon attack or are forced to make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid/reduce damage, you can use your reaction to quickly open a door in an unoccupied space within 5ft. yourself into which you flee. When you do this, you reduce the damage taken from the offending hit by 1d10 and disappear through the door, which you can choose to have instantly close behind you.
  • Danger Door: You can use an action on your turn to quickly open a door within 5ft. of a single Medium or smaller creature that you can see within your reach, which you then attempt to force through the door. The targeted creature must succeed on a Dexterity/Strength saving throw(DC=10+Strength/Dexterity modifer+proficiency modifier) or be forced through the door. If a creature is forced through the door in this way, you can choose to have the door immediately close behind it.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Door Creation: You can now have up to 4 doors active at once. You can now have the counterpart of any doors you create appear up to 60ft. from where the original door was created.
  • Advanced Escape Door: Your Escape Door now reduces offending damage by 2d10. If you roll a 10 on either of these dice, you instead avoid the offending damage entirely.
  • Advanced Danger Door: The base save DC for your Danger Door increases to 12. You can now use your reaction to close a door that you created in response to seeing a creature move through the door. The creature moving through the door must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be severed by the closing door. On a success the creature exits within 5ft. of the door in a space of its choosing. If a creature fails this save, roll a D100. The result is the effect suffered by the severed creature. 
    1-25 Creature loses a single arm or other interaction apendage(DM's choice), and takes 4d8 slashing damage.
    26-50 Creature loses a single leg or other movement apendage(DM's choice), takes 4d8 slashing damage, and has its movement speed reduced by 10ft.
    51-75 Creature loses a non-critical part of its body, taking 4d6 slashing damage.
    76-100 Creature is cut in half, instantly killing it unless that creature can naturally survive being bisected. A shield spell can prevent this effect from killing a creature, instead moving that creature to an unoccupied space within 5ft. of the closing door(the creature chooses).
  • Redirect Doors: When you are targeted by an attack that you can see, you can choose to use your reaction to create a quick chain of doors, which changes the target of the offending attack to any space that you can see within 60ft. of yourself. After this ability is used, all of the created doors immediately close.

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Paramecia
  • Notoriety: Relatively Well-Known
  • Estimated Worth: 500,000-1,000,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
Item type
Consumable, Magical