The Flame-Flame Fruit

Level 1:

  • Body of Flame: Your body is now made of fire that you can control more or less freely. Any items being worn or carried can be assimilated into your firey form upon transformation. You are immune to fire damage, as well as nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. As a bonus action on your turn, you are able to transform 1 part of your body into flames, causing creatures touching that part of you to take 1d4 fire damage(this includes being hit with unarmed melee attacks). You can transform one appendage or your whole body at this level of mastery. You must use another bonus action to return a body part to normal at this level of mastery. You take an additional dice of damage from water-based attacks that hit you while any part of you is in fire form.
  • Flame Control: As an action on your turn, you can produce and control fire from your body at a range of 10ft. At this level this means that you can create any basic shape of Medium or Large size out of fire within range. The fire is constantly being produced by your body and is thus tethered to your body. You may use your action on your turn to change the shape of and/or maintain this fire up to a number of rounds equal to your proficiency modifier. Maintaining the fire for longer is possible, however you must succeed on a DC18 Constitution saving throw at the start of each turn you wish to do so(at the top of initiative). Failing this save causes you to lose the flames and take one level of exhaustion. Creatures caught within these flames must make a DC16 Constitution saving throw. On a failure that creature takes 3d10 fire damage and half as much on a success. Creatures that remain in the flames for more than one turn imediately take 2d10 fire damage at the start of each of their turns spent in the fire. Alternatively you can use your action to make a ranged attack with your flames at a range of 30ft., dealing 2d8 fire damage on a hit.

Level 2:

  • Improved Body of Flame: You may now transform any number of body parts into fire with your bonus action, as well as return them to normal without using a bonus action. Your firey apendages now deal 2d6 fire damage on contact.
  • Improved Flame Control: You can project your fire out to 20ft., and can create Tiny or Huge-sized, more complex constructs with your fire. You can now somewhat create and manipulate your fire untethered to your body(ex. lighting a candle across a room, making a flaming Halfling run into a door, or raising a 10ft. wall of flames across a hallway). You may now add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with your fire.
  • Firewalker: You may treat any live flames as solid surfaces, allowing you to walk on fire so long as it burns.
  • Flaming Weapons: You may use a bonus action on your turn to coat any number of your weapons that you are currently wielding with flames, adding 1d12 fire damage on a hit. The flames last until they are put out or you stop wielding the weapon.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Body of Flame: You may now transform your body into flames as a free action on your turn. Your firey apendages now deal 3d8 fire damage on contact.
  • Advanced Flame Control: You are now able to create any size/shape with your fire and control it as you please. The range of your fire extends to 40ft. The save DC of your flames becomes 18. When creatures and/or objects are being touched by your flames, you may choose a number of those targets equal to your proficiency modifier. Those targets do not take fire damage from your flames this turn. The initial damage dealt by this ability increases to 4d10, while the passive damage increases to 3d10. Ranged attacks made with your fire now get a +3 bonus to hit and deal 4d8 fire damage on a hit.
  • Conflagration: As a bonus action on your turn, you are able to make your flames explode out from any point they can touch. This explosion can occupy a space no larger than a 20ft. sphere. The explosion causes all creatures caught within it to make a Dexterity saving throw(DC=15 plus your prof. modifer). On a failed save creatures and objects in the explosion's radius take 8d6 fire damage and half on a success. Alternatively you can use your bonus action to have any number of attacks made with your fire become explosive, adding 2d12 fire damage on a hit.
  • Better Flaming Weapons: The damage dealt by your Flaming Weapons increases to 3d12.

General Information:

Devil Fruit Category: Logia   Notoriety: Well-Known   Estimated Worth: 1,000,000-5,000,000gp   Status: Consumed
Item type
Consumable, Magical

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