The Heal-Heal Fruit

Level 1:

  • Healing Substance: Your body gains the ability to produce a special substance, which you can use to heal others or even calm down hostile creatures. The substance can be a solid or liquid, and can be colored, flavored, or scented in any way you choose. This substance is currently unstable and disappears after it stops touching you unless stored in an airtight container(like a glass bottle or a metal strongbox). You can use this substance on any living thing, including plants. As an action on your turn you can activate this feature, granting the following abilities:
  1. You touch one creature. That creature is healed for 4d4 hit points and is cured of one disease or one condition afflicting it(blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed or poisoned).
  2. You touch one creature. That creature must make a DC14 Charisma saving throw. A hostile creature that fails this save becomes indifferent to you and any creatures of your choice that you can see for 1 minute. This indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by a spell or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed. When this condition ends, the affected creature becomes hostile again unless the DM rules otherwise. 
  3. *You can use your Healing Substance feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
  • Apothecary: You can somewhat stabilize the healing substance you produce by storing it for a limited time for later use. When stored, the substance lasts for a number of hours equal to twice your proficiency modifier before dissovling into inert air. You can create and store up to 1 quart of this substance at a time. You must apply at least 1 cup of the substance stored in this way to gain its benefits, thus each quart you produce has 4 uses that can be divided into separate containers. When applied, a single use of the stored substance heals a creature for 2d4 hit points, but does not remove any conditions. The substance can also be applied to a weapon for up to 30 seconds, or can be mixed into food/drink for up to 1 hour before it wears off, and is treated as a poison when used in this way(only for the purpose of detection). When used in this way, hostile creatures that consume or are hit with a weapon coated in your Healing Substance must make a saving throw as though you had touched them with your Healing Substance. 

Level 2:

  • Improved Healing Substance: You can now activate your Healing Substance with a bonus action. Your Healing Substance now heals for 6d6 hit points. You can now affect a number of creatures with this feature equal to your proficiency modifier. The DC for the saving throw a creature must make to avoid the effect of the substance becomes 16. Whenever you roll a 1 for healing when using this ability, you may re-roll that dice. 
  • Improved Apothecary:  Your stored Healing Substance now heals for 2d6 hit points per use, and can now remove the conditions listed above when applied to a creature.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Healing Substance: Your Healing Substance now heals for 8d8 hit points. You can now use your Healing Substance to reattach a single lost limb to a creature, so long as that limb was lost within the last 24 hours. The DC for the saving throw a creature must make to avoid the effect of the substance becomes 18.
  • Advanced Apothecary: You can now produce and store up to 2 quarts of your Healing Substance at a time. Your stored Healing Substance can now heal for 2d8 hit points per use.
  • Spread the Heals: You can now use an action on your turn to instantly produce either a 15ft. cone or a 15ft. radius circle(centered on you) of your Healing Substance. Creatures inside this area must make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw to avoid the affects of your Healing Substance(a creature can choose to fail the save). Hostile creatures that fail the save do not recieve any healing benefits from the substance. You can choose to maintain this effect(or move the cone's area of effect) as a bonus action on your turn, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier. 

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Paramecia
  • Notoriety: Obscure
  • Estimated Worth: 100,000-300,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
*No image of this fruit exists.