The Jacket-Jacket Fruit

Level 1:

  • Jacket Form: You gain the ability to transform your body into a "jacket" to be worn by another at will. While in jacket form you do not require sustenance of any kind(even air), are still able to speak, but are otherwise unable to move on your own. While in jacket form your movement speed becomes 0, and you lose the ability to take any actions, bonus actions, or reactions. While in jacket form you instantly fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws, and you are resistant to nonmagical bludgeoning damage. Equipment being worn or carried can be included as part of your body, transforming in the same way. Your jacket form is able to be compacted into a 1ft. sphere without issue, and can be stuffed into spaces as narrow as 1 inch wide. While in jacket form you cannot benefit from long or short rests. You can maintain your jacket form for 24 hours. Maintaining this form for longer forces you to make a Constitution saving throw, the DC for which begins at 13. On a failed save, you take on one level of exhaustion. This is in addition to any detrimental effects brought on from lack of rest. Upon failing a save to maintain your form, the DC for the next save increases by 1. You repeat this save at the start of each extra day you decide to maintain the form. You may reset this save DC by reverting to normal form and taking a long rest.
  • Body Control: While in jacket form, any living humanoid creature up to 1 size category smaller or larger than yourself can choose to don you as if you were clothing. Alternatively, a creature can choose to use its action to attempt to put you on another eligible creature with a successful Strength(Athletics) or Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) check. Once worn by another creature, that creature must then choose whether or not to use its action on its turn to make an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw(DC=13+your proficiency modifier) to resist your control. On a success, the creature maintains/regains control of its body. On a failed save, the creature loses control of its body to you for 1 hour, after which it can repeat the save. The controlled creature is fully conscious and aware of its surroundings while wearing you, though it cannot feel anything or communicate outside of you without telepathy. If you are stunned or made unconscious while in control of a creature, that creature automatically succeeds on any saves made to regain control of its body from this effect. If you are conscious but not in control of a creature's body while still being worn by that creature, the creature must doff you(as though you were leather armor) to prevent further control attempts from you. While in control of a creature you retain your own saving throw proficiencies, senses, skill proficiencies, and feats. You also retain your own ability scores in Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma, as well as your own spellcasting ability and spell list. You must take on the hit points, Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the controlled creature as well as any vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities it has. When your hit points are reduced to 0 while in control of a creature, you lose control of that creature and must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a success you are forced off of the creature's body into an unoccupied space within 5ft. of the creature in jacket form, taking no damage yourself. On a failure you are also moved, but take any extra damage the controlled creature would have taken below 0 hit points. In both cases, the controlled creature is left unconcious but stable.

Level 2:

  • Improved Jacket Form: You gain a movement speed of 10ft. while in jacket form, and you no longer instantly fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws. You may benefit from a short rest while in jacket form. While in jacket form you may now take an action or a bonus action on your turn, not both.
  • Improved Body Control: The save DC for a creature resisting your control increases to 15. You may now make use of any senses, unique traits/attacks, skill proficiencies, and feats of a controlled creature at will. This ability does not allow you to make use of saving throw proficiencies or spellcasting possessed by the controlled creature. Borrowed features that grant similar effects to what you are already experiencing are condensed into a single feature, for which you will always use the most effective option.
  • *ex. You have the Squat Nimbleness feat and are worn by another creature with the Moblie feat. Both feats grant similar but not identical boosts to base movement speed. In this case, you would increase your movement speed by 10 as described in the Mobile feat, because that feat grants the larger bonus to movement speed.
  • Unrequited Fashion: You may now attempt to forcibly take control of one eligible creature within 5ft. of yourself while in jacket form. To do so you must use an action on your turn to make a contested check with the target creature(choose Athletics or Sleight of Hand+ your proficiency modifier). Creatures with a Wisdom score above 15 have advantage on this contest. A creature taken control of in this way may still attempt to break free of your control normally.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Jacket Form: Your movement speed while in jacket form increases to 20ft. You gain a +3 bonus to rolls made to forcibly take control of a creature. You are now able to transform select parts of your body into jacket form at will. While in jacket form you may now take actions and bonus actions on your turn as normal. You may now use your reaction to reduce the damage of weapon attacks that hit you by 2d10(this ability cannot reduce magical or elemental damage). While controlling a creature in jacket form, you gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to 3 times your proficiency modifier.
  • Advanced Body Control: The save DC for a creature resisting your control increases to 18. You are now able to use the Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw proficiencies possessed by a controlled creature. Creatures that fail to save against you in jacket form now remain under your control for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus before they can repeat the save. You can now be worn by any of the following creature types: Beast, Celestial, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Humanoid, Monstrosity.
  • Devil Fruit Category: Paramecia
  • Notoriety: Mostly Obscure
  • Estimated Worth: 100,000-500,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
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Item type
Consumable, Magical
The Jacket-Jacket Fruit