The Shadow-Shadow Fruit

Level 1:

  • Shadow Cutter- As an action on your turn, you can conjure a pair of large magical scissors and target one Medium or smaller creature that you can see within melee range, attempting to cut the shadow from that creature. That creature must succeed on a flat DC 13 saving throw or have its shadow forcibly cut away. This ability can only be attempted when both you and the target are not in direct sunlight. A creature that has had its shadow taken will instantly fall unconscious for 1d4 hours. Shadows cut by this ability are tangible, and may be touched, percieved, or attacked as though they were solid objects. You can maintain control of a number of shadows equal to your proficiency modifier. If a separated shadow or its original body are fully immersed in direct sunlight while apart, both are instantly incinerated. Partial immersion of either the shadow or the body results in both taking 2d10 radiant damage at the start of each turn spent in the sunlight. A shadow remains under your control indefinitely unless freed; either by losing control or being voluntarily released by you.
  • Shadow Manipulation: Shadows stolen by you are treated as sentient magic items with all the personality, skills, knowledge and emotions of the creature they were attached to(though the shadows are unable to speak). Once cut from its owner a shadow continues to act like its original self, but must follow instructions given by you to the best of its abilities. The shadow is not required to do a task to any degree beyond a direct interpretation of the orders given, and are otherwise free to do as they wish. You can choose to control a number of shadows(within 30ft. of yourself) equal to your proficiency modifier as an action on your turn. You may store any number of shadows in any dark space(i.e. a bag, trunk, pocket, under a cup, inside a dead body, etc.). Every time you take damage regardless of source, you must make a Constitution saving throw to maintain command over the shadows you currently control. The DC of this save is equal to 15 plus the number of shadows you are currently controlling. If you are dealt more than half of your total hit points in a single hit, have more than half of your body submerged in water, or are knocked unconscious, you instantly lose control of all shadows you are currently controlling. If released in any way a shadow will always move toward its original body at maximum speed, rejoining that body upon touch. If you are able to touch a cut shadow before it is able to rejoin its body, you regain control over that shadow.
  • Create Thrall: Once per day you can order any number of shadows under your control(within range) to possess as many Medium or smaller sized corpses, objects, or other non-living vessels(such as dead trees, suits of armor, paintings, etc.) as possible within a 30ft. radius. A vessel possessed by a shadow becomes an undead version of itself, or a sentient item. The vessel retains all ability scores(except Intelligence and Wisdom, which remain the shadow's), senses, spellcasting, and any special abilities it had prior to being posessed. If a vessel is reduced to 0 hit points, the shadow controlling it is released from your control. If any of the controlled vessels are touched by pure, natural, uncooked sea salt, you instantly lose control of that corpse. If you are touched similarly by sea salt, you must succeed on a DC20 Constitution saving throw or lose control of all shadows you are currently controlling.

Level 2:

  • Improved Shadow Manipulation: The base save DC for your Shadow Cutter increases from 13 to 15. As long as you are concious, shadows and thralls that are freed from your control must now succeed on a DC14 Wisdom saving throw or return to your control(this does not apply to control lost by being submerged in water or by touching sea salt). You now add your proficiency modifier to saves made to maintain control of your shadows.
  • Better Thralls: You may now activate the Create Thrall ability a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier. Thralls you create using shadows now have a +1 bonus to all attack and (nonmagical)damage rolls, and gain 15 temporary hit points at the start of combat.
  • Adopting the Dark: You gain darkvision out to 60ft. if you did not already have it. Regardless of whether you already have darkvision, you can now see the shadows of creatures and objects within this range clearly. If a creature within this range is obscured in any way, you can see its shadow(if it has one) as if it were glowing brightly.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Shadow Manipulation: The base save DC for your Shadow Cutter increases from 15 to 18. You may now make a saving throw to maintain control of your shadows even when you take more than half your hit points in damage or are touched by sea salt. Your thralls must now make a saving throw to break free of your control, even if they are touched by sea salt. You now gain a +5 bonus to saving throws you make to maintain control of shadows. You can now cut the shadows from creatures up to Large size.
  • Shadow Slicer: You may now maintain the scissors you create to cut shadows and use them as a item. The scissors are treated as a magical +2 shortsword that deals an extra 2d6 force damage on a hit.
  • Advanced Thralls: Thralls you create using shadows now have a +3 bonus to all attack and (nonmagical)damage rolls, and gain 30 temporary hit points at the start of combat. Your thralls may now be up to Huge in size. 
  • Shadow Packer: As an action on your turn, you can put one shadow under your control into a single willing, living creature(including you) within 5ft of yourself, giving that creature increased strength and allowing them to access any special skills the shadow possesses. You may put a number of shadows equal to your proficiency modifier into a creature, with each successive shadow adding more power and abilities to the target creatures. The target creature gains all of the proficiencies, skills, spellcasting, and any special abilities of the occupying shadows. Shadows put into a creature in this way remain within the target for 1 hour or the target is touched by sea salt. If a creature with a shadow inside them takes damage, that creature must succeed on a flat DC13 saving throw with no modifiers or have all of the shadows knocked out of them(you lose control of the shadows). The DC for this save increases by 1 for each shadow contained in the target creature. The table below shows the different bonuses confered to a creature that has a number of shadows put inside of it. With each subsequent shadow added, the target creature will retain all previous effects it would experience with less shadows. Bonuses to saving throws also apply to the target creature when it attempts to retain shadows. You may also apply this ability to your thralls, however your thralls cannot have more than 4 shadows within them at a time(including the controlling shadow).
#of ShadowsEffects
1 Gain +1 to AC, attack and damage rolls, and all saving throws.
2 All of your movement speeds increase by 30ft.
3 You may take an extra Action on your turn.
4 You gain resistance to all damage types(except psychic).
5 Gain a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls. Gain a +3 bonus to all saving throws.
6 You may take an extra Action on your turn.

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Paramecia
  • Notoriety: Known
  • Estimated Worth: 500,000-1,000,000gp
  • Status: Unknown

The Shadow-Shadow Fruit