The Smoke-Smoke Fruit

Level 1:

  • Smokey Body: Your body becomes made of smoke, and you become able to generate smoke from your body. As a reaction to being hit by a nonmagical attack, you can transform your entire body into a smoke cloud of any shape so long as it fits within a 10ft. radius of your original position. While in smoke form you cannot make attacks, interact with objects or creatures, or communicate in any meaningful way. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed while in smoke form, but at this point can only fly 20ft. in the air and cannot cross gaps wider than 30ft. You can fit through any space that is not airtight while in smoke form. You can revert to your solid form as a bonus action on your turn. This ability can be used a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
  • Permeability: You gain immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical sources. If you are subjected to a wind that exceeds 20mph while in smoke form, you must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each turn that you are subjected to the wind. The DC for this save is equal to 15, adding 1 for every 5mph over the requisite 20mph wind speed. On a success, you maintain your form and continue with your turn as normal. On a failure your movement speeds are reduced to 0, and you are blown up to 30ft. in the direction the offending wind is blowing(your DM will decide how far).

Level 2:

  • Improved Smokey Body: You can now transform select parts of your body into smoke instead of the whole thing, enabling you to interact with objects and creatures, communicate, and make attacks while in smoke form. You no longer take penalties to your movement in windy conditions while in smoke form. You gain a +3 bonus to Constitution saving throws made to maintain your smoke form in windy conditions.
  • Smoke Control: You are now able to extend your smokey form out over a radius of 30ft. This ability grants you three basic functions(listed below), but is not limited by them. *You may be as creative as you please when using this ability, just check any actions you wish to take with your DM first!
  1. Limited Flight- You gain a full flying speed of 30ft.
  2. Extended Weapon Range- You may make weapon attacks from any space that your smokey form covers. You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls made using this feature.
  3. Solid Smoke- You can attempt to grapple any Huge or smaller creature within your smoke as a bonus action on your turn. Alternatively, you can use your reaction to attempt to grapple a creature that enters your smoke on its turn. You can use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier. Additionally, you may now make unarmed attacks with your smoke.
  • Improved Permeability: As a reaction you may attempt to reform your body around an attack, potentially reducing or negating the damage. When a creature targets you with an attack, you also roll a flat d20. If you roll a 15 or higher, you negate the attack's damage entirely. If you roll at least a 10 you can reduce the damage taken from the attack by 1d12. You take full damage if you roll below a 10. You cannot be reduced to 0 hit points the same turn that this ability was activated unless dealt enough damage to kill you outright. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Smokey Body: The radius of your Smokey Body increases to 60ft. You no longer have to make Constitution saving throws to maintain your form in windy conditions.
  • Advanced Smoke Control: You now have full control of your smokey form. Your flying speed increases to 60ft. You may add your proficiency modifier to any Grapple checks made by you within your smoke, and you may now attempt to grapple a number of creatures within your smoke equal to your proficiency modifier. A creature that fails a grapple check to your smoke is now also restrained. You no longer take a penalty when using your Extended Weapon Range.
  • Advanced Permeability: You may now add your proficiency modifier to any rolls made to use your Permeability. When successful, you may reduce damage dealt to you when using Permeability by 2d12.
  • Lingering Smoke: If any smoke created by your fruit powers moves through a space on your turn, you may choose to leave behind a smoky haze in that space. You can choose how thick and opaque this smoke is. Smoke created by this ability lingers for up to 1 hour, until dispelled by you, or it is blown away by a wind of 10mph or more.

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Logia
  • Notoriety: Well-Known
  • Estimated Worth: 250,000-500,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
Item type
Consumable, Magical

The Smoke-Smoke Fruit

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