The Swim-Swim Fruit

Level 1:

  • Substance Swim: As a bonus action on your turn you gain a swimming speed of 20ft. which you can only use to move through solid things, including substances like the ground, walls/ceilings, and even solid clouds. As part of activating the ability, you use 5ft. of movement to move into any nonliving surface or object that you can touch and is able to fully contain your body. That substance takes on the properties of water while your body is touching it. While touching a substance in this way, you are able to choose the direction that is treated as "up" while swimming, allowing you to swim on ceilings and up walls, though at this level of mastery you are only able to fully submerge yourself in a substance and cannot swim more than 10ft. vertically. You may use this swimming speed to seemlessly move through any solid substance that you can touch, so long as it can contain your body. Magical barriers and wards of any kind prevent this ability from working through their area of effect. At this level of mastery you are unable to leave the substance you are swimming through unless you deactivate this ability using a bonus action on your turn or are removed by force.
  • By Land, Not Sea: Once fully submerged, no sign of your presence remains visible or otherwise detectable by any nonmagical senses(except tremorsense), and the substance regains its normal properties when you stop touching it. While fully submerged, you cannot see what occurs outside, and any Wisdom(Perception) checks you make to hear sounds outside are made with disadvantage. You are still able to cast spells on yourself while submerged, but cannot make attacks or interact with anything outside unless you fully remove yourself from the substance. If you are rendered unconscious or deactivate this ability while fully submerged, you are immediately ejected to the nearest open space adjacent to the substance you currently occupy. At this level of mastery you are unable to control this movement even when conscious. Minor physical damage to the substance you occupy doesn't harm you, but its partial destruction or a change in its shape(to the extent that you no longer fit within it) forces you to make a DC18 Dexterity saving throw or be expelled into the nearest unoccupied space, falling prone and taking 6d6 bludgeoning damage. On a success you are expelled in the same way but take half damage. The complete destruction of the substance expels you to the nearest unoccupied space and deals 50 bludgeoning damage to you.

Level 2:

  • Improved Substance Swim: Your swimming speed(through solids) increases to 30ft., and you gain the ability to swim vertically through a substance up to your swimming speed. You may now "tread water" within a substance, which allows you to float on top of that substance as though you were in deep water. You no longer fall prone when expelled from a substance.
  • Anti-Lifeguard: You are now able to attempt to bring one other creature into the substance you are currently occupying. Using an action on your turn you may make a grapple check against a single Medium or smaller creature within reach. On a success you bring that creature into the substance you occupy. So long as that creature is touching you, you can choose to allow that creature to move through the substance as you can. If you stop touching a creature while that creature is still inside of a substance, that creature becomes incapacitated within the substance. Alternatively, you can bring one willing creature into the substance you are occupying and grant it the same properties.

Level 3:

  • Advanced Substance Swim: Your swimming speed(through solids) increases to 40ft. You may add your proficiency bonus to Dexterity saving throws made to avoid being expelled from a substance due to damage or transformation. You can now freely choose how much of a substance you touch becomes swimable, allowing you to do things like stand up, make attacks, interact with objects, cast spells, etc., while partially submerged. *Be sure to discuss with your DM how you wish to implement your abilites at this stage.
  • Advanced Anti-Lifeguard: You can now bring a number of willing creatures equal to your proficiency modifer into the substance you currently occupy. You may now add your proficiency modifier to any grapple checks made to bring a creature into the substance you currently occupy. If you have grappled a creature using this feature, you may use a bonus action on your turn to suplex that creature into an unoccupied space(on the surface) within 5ft. of yourself, causing that creature to take 5d8 bludgeoning damage and fall prone(the grapple ends). You can now attempt to grapple a creature of one size category larger than you.
  • Phantom Menace: When submerged, you gain the ability to control your movement(when conscious) after deactivating your Substance Swim ability. When you choose to do this you first find the space you would be expelled by deactivating your Substance Swim ability. You then choose any space within your swimming distance of that space to be expelled. When expelled in this way, any creatures within the space you are expelled to take 30 bludgeoning damage and are pushed 20ft. away from where you exit the substance.

General Information:

  • Devil Fruit Category: Paramecia
  • Notoriety: Obscure
  • Estimated Worth: 250,000-500,000gp
  • Status: Unknown
Item type
Consumable, Magical
*No image of this fruit exists