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Byleth Eisner

Captain Byleth Eisner (a.k.a. The Ashen Demon)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A lifetime of exercise, practice, actual physical combat and an excellent metabolism has left Byleth with an excellent Physique. While still retaining her more feminine features.

Facial Features

She often looks without emotion, presenting a passive face to the world. Which is a shame since the few people that have seen her smile have said she looks far more beautiful when she does.

Physical quirks

She has currently got two locks of hair that are a different colour from the rest of her hair. One lock is gold, the other green.

Apparel & Accessories

Not prone towards fashion, she often wears little in the way of Accessories unless they serve some form of purpose. This has left her belt festooned with various travel supplies in one form or another.   The one concession she makes towards accessorizing herself is her talisman worn above her chest. Her father presented it to her as one of her mother's favourite items and she is rarely seen without it.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She is a woman.


Sexuality, what sexuality? All of her "uncles" and her "aunts" have kept her away from such talk. Still seeing her, as much as a grown woman can be, as the child they helped to raise.   Of course, she's not the only one with a say~


Byleth's education has been, eclectic to say the least. Mostly being taught a mixture of skills, information and techniques by a variety of different soldiers. Several however, such as Isaac, Lucius, William took an interest in making sure she had at least the basics down pat. As well as any passing/travelling scholar that would take protection in exchange for education.

Thanks to them and the efforts of the Red Hand as a whole, she is able to read, write and understand nearly anything presented to her. Aside from the basics of literacy, numeracy and reading, she has also been trained in tactics and strategy under her father's and his captain's wings. She's also had some experience with the logistics side of running a mercenary band, such as ensuring food, pay and care of the men and an army at a whole.

It's obvious, perhaps to everyone but herself, that her father plans to make her his replacement should anything happen to him and is grooming her for that role.


Her employment history is simple. She has only ever worked for the Red Hand, her father's Mercenary company. Though on occasion she has done some intermittent work when she wanted a little extra pay or over her travels.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her young age, and the perhaps overprotectiveness of the mercenary band has kept her from many of the Red Hand's bloodiest fights but even given that, she has accomplished much of note.
  • Bringing a third of her Grey Squad out of the ambush during the Third Battle of the Ishval Woods
  • Rescuing a high level client without alerting anyone in the prison until the next morning
  • Spearheading Grey Squad, the special tactics squad, into a force multiplier
  • Providing Strategy and Tactical advice to her father in several cases
  • Performing a fighting retreat in the face of a werewolf attack
  • Banishing a vampire and Resanctifying a Church during that Vampire's attack

Failures & Embarrassments

A life led in a mercenary band is one of regrets for what could have been, at least that's what one of her "uncles" had once told her. It wasn't until the Third Battle of the Ishval Woods that the words became truth to her. Several of her failures include
  • Losing two thirds of Grey Squad during the Third Battle of the Ishval Woods
  • Challenging one of her "uncles" to a fight, with him using a staff and her using her sword. She lost, badly.
  • Being unable to pronounce the word "Iron" in the same fashion as everyone else.
  • Every third loaf of bread she bakes seems to turn into charcoal, even if the previous two were perfectly fine.
  • She once got herself hooked upon her own fishing hook.
  • Her father's dad jokes.

Mental Trauma

Byleth's mental trauma primarily focuses upon her mother, and the loss of a good part of her squad. This has led to her being somewhat reckless when it comes to potential loss.

However, her largely emotionless and taciturn state makes this hard for her to express and even realize herself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Byleth is a woman of few words, preferring to speak only when necessary. Many people have thought her slow because of such a habit, but it's perhaps more accurate to say that she doesn't say much because she chooses her words with care and deliberation. Often with her, it's as much what goes unsaid as said.

Morality & Philosophy

Byleth's morality and philosophy, as much as she expresses it, is guided by four key tenants.
  • People have the right to choose
  • The choice should be respected, even if ignored
  • One person cannot help everyone
  • A promise is a promise

This has often led to confusion regarding her expectation that orders be followed during combat and her desire that people follow their own will in other areas.

For her the answer is quite simple, when she was made the Captain of Grey Squad she made a promise to listen to orders if they were judged to be good orders. She expects the same from those she commands.


Byleth will try to do the good thing in any given situation, although command has taught her that sometimes the only thing you can do is the least worst choice. In general however she'll refuse to harm a child or let a child come to harm.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivation is twofold. To discover her own nature and the nature of the sword that fits so comfortably within her hand. Who is she? Where did she come from? Why, in her darkest hour, did a voice offer her the power to save her remaining squad members? Why is it that her current sword feels as if it was always meant to be hers? These are the questions that she asks of herself as she travels, as much on her father's gentle prodding as her own confusion. That is why she travels, and she won't return until she has answers.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Being a traveller from birth, she has a good deal of travel related skills and abilities such as the following
  • An excellent sense of direction
  • Able to easily make camp in nearly any location
  • Used to walking or marching with heavy equipment and items
  • An above average sense of perception
However, her upbringing has left some work to be desired. With little socialization with those of her age she is left with a few ineptitudes
  • Her social skills are lacking, contributing to a naturally reserved disposition
  • She is unaware of her beauty, often leaving her confused at another person's reactions
  • Despite her best efforts, she cannot bake sweets
  • When fishing is likely to lose track of time

Likes & Dislikes

Byleth, despite her combat skills finds joy and dislike in other areas. Some of her likes include
  • Fishing (She really likes fishing)
  • Cooking the Fish she caught
  • Cooking in general
  • Reading Princess Novels (She'll never admit it)
  • Practising her stealth skills
Some of her dislikes include
  • Lying
  • Thievery for no reason
  • Stealing from those that have less than you
  • Not giving someone an option
  • Needless Violence
  • Not letting her finish a fishing session

Virtues & Personality perks

Byleth has a few notable virtues or perks including the following  
  • She is pleasantly guileless and has little interest in pretending to be anything other than she is.
  • Even if it hurts her, she'll put things right as she sees it. The scales should return to balance.
  • She has a surprising sense of perception, allowing her to see, hear or smell things that others have missed.
  • Treasure calls to her, often she is able to detect wealth simply by looking within a room.
  • She's willing to share, after all, who knows when she might need to share from someone else

Vices & Personality flaws

Of course, like any person, Byleth has her vices and flaws. Here are some of hers.
  • She doesn't like having her fishing interrupted. It is wise to leave her be as she fishes.
  • She often leaves words unsaid, relying on familiarity to fill in the rest of the sentence. This can leave new people confused as to her intent.
  • It can be hard to tell what mood she is in, she often remains Stoic.
  • She is a glutton for sweets if she has the opportunity. More than once a honey cake has gone missing straight into her mouth if she thinks it is free for anyone to have.

Personality Quirks

Presenting as largely emotionless on the outside, she has few ticks or quirks. Though she has been known to flick her own ear when she is thinking of something.


A clean body is a healthy body, she does her best to remain clean at all times. However, you don't always get the chance to do so. So she can deal with poor hygiene for a while.


Contacts & Relations

Many of her contacts are within the Mercenary Band, with her knowing many of them by their last name, if not their first name. With her path splitting off from the mercenary band, she's met many individuals as she travels to Waterdeep.

Family Ties

With little family beyond her father, she has taken to calling the various soldiers within the mercenary band her "Aunties" and "Uncles" surprisingly. Perhaps even to themselves. They've reciprocated the role in spades.

Religious Views

An acknowledged theist, she follows no fixed religious or spiritual beliefs. Though she will on occasion pray to a specific god or goddess during a particularly troublesome time, it is most often for herself rather than an actual request for aide.

Social Aptitude

Her social aptitude is poor, having been raised among misfits and soldiers all her life she has little idea of what a "normal" person will do in any given situation. Once over the initial confusion, and coming to some form of understanding, many people think of her as a warm individual


Think before you act and measure twice, cut once. These best describe her mannerisms. She prefers to remain silent and keep her council to herself unless she has something relevant to add or her input is asked. On occasion however she has acted like the young woman that she is, most often when helping a kitten or fishing.

Hobbies & Pets

Fishing, reading and playing with strays if they let her. These sum up her hobbies and interests. If she is feeling particularly mischievous then she might practice her stealth and tracking skills by hunting down a specific person, causing a chase to ensue.


She has two voices depending on the situation. A baritone to bark out orders in a clear, concise and clipped manner and a more natural contralto sounding voice with less bite behind the words. Her command voice is essential for properly controlling her troops in combat, but it doesn't feel natural to her.

Wealth & Financial state

She's pretty much dirt poor. All of her assets are on her, and she has little money to her name.

A life as a mercenary is all Byleth has ever known since she was a child. But after her last mission, her father has sent her away. Part experience, part holiday, she's alone as she discovers herself, her sword and her powers

Current Location
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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Officer, Captain, Lieutenant, Private, Soldier. All titles earned through hard work and sacrifice. And maybe a little luck as well.
Current Residence
Dark Blue
Aqua Coloured, with one green lock and one gold lock
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 5"
Quotes & Catchphrases
Sometimes you have to roll a hard six
Fishing is Love, Fishing is Life
She doesn't say much, does she?
Known Languages
Byleth is at least familiar with many languages, having run the gamut from elvish to dwarfish. However she is most fluent in Common, Dwarfish and for some reason, Draconic.

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