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Dillis Ergo Mossborn

Dillis Ergo Mossborn (a.k.a. Mossy)

He grew up in a Town built within a Swamp, this granted Ergo a peaceful life undisturbed by outside troubles. Running the family business, his parents worked as the lumberjacks of his home town. Due to this, he grew up in a truly well made home, showcasing their work both in woodcutting and carpentry. As young child, he was often asked to carry wood or bring his parents their tools for work. The hard manual labour encouraged strength and endurance in his body, he would often go above and beyond what was asked from him due to the rather dull nature of his home town. In his teenage years, his desire for adventure and something different grew too powerful, causing him to become restless as he looked for something to devote his life and energy to.   At the end of a week, he and his family would visit the local temple to attend the service and make offerings for good luck. On the rare occasions he was not needed to assist with woodcutting or woodworking, he felt inexorably drawn to the Church Guards. Their training regimes provided an entertaining show to watch, while the stories they told often fascinated Ergo, making him look beyond the horizons.   At the time, when my training as acolyth started... Something very cool happened. Reyna was born. A very cool guard drake i want to add. I played a lot with it when i had the freetime to do so. Its green scales are hard to find in the swamp. I could search like hours without success when playing hide and seek with her, but whistling always lets her return to me. Then i reward her with some good treat made of meat. My Father teached Reyna in combat so it could protect the gathered wood needed for work and help the guards. Before i finished my studies, rumors about an Froghemoth wandering around started to worry our hunters. But as far as i know, it was only rumors. They discribed its 4 tentacles and the size of an elephant. Hahaha~ If it realy is somewhere around the swamp, it would be good to bring it back to show my power.   As was common in such provincial towns, religious instruction was also accompanied by more down to earth lessons. Items such as numeracy, literacy, logic, as well as various other lessons were provided. These lessons fascinated Ergo, expanding his mind and horizons in equal measure, they spoke of life outside of the swamp and of a world of discovery and adventure. When the offer was made, as much to make him quiet as a reward for his dedication to the local temple, he jumped on the chance to make his Oath and become a follower of Tiamat. In his haste and eagerness to explore and see the rest of the world, he forgot to think about what type of god Tiamat, the local town deity, was.   He would then join the temple full time, becoming an Acolyte. While taking over the daily work in the Temple and teaching the younglings about what he has learned, he did spend a lot of time with one special female acolyte around his age. Her Name was Planty Thavara. In the end of his twenties, he realized that he deeply fell in Love with her. He invited her at Night to a special Place he found while helping in his families business. That Part of the Swamp, far away from their Town, was filled with the beautifull smell of a special mossflower only florishing at night for a view hours. Using that romantic scenery, he confessed his deep love for her. She accepted his feelings, overwhelmed by her own emotions. A view months later were a Marriage celebrated in the Temple, making both Wife and Husband.   In the middle of his 30s some certain Rumors reached their town, making the Temple elders nervous. They held a circle, praying to Tiamat for answers if they should act and how. Suprised by that choice, Ergo got called to visit the Elders. From all the strong and wise Temple Guards, he of all people got chosen. Dutiful and with the will to help, he accepted the task. Even if that means he has, to leave the town and his loved Wife for a while.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall muscular green Dragonborn with a smug face. No tail, no Wings, a typical Dreadcaller.

Body Features

He swings his sword with left hand and uses shield with right hand. His right arm is slightly stronger from defensive training.

Facial Features

Average face expression is slightly smirking, tho most people missunderstand it as an evil smile because of his dragon appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Its rare to see him without wearing his plate armor. Tho, when he is doing his greetings he often waves as addition to the hello, giving a friendly expression. From further away, one could think it would be any knight in plate.

Physical quirks

none so far...

Special abilities

An improved breath weapon attack, thanks to the gift of a lich.

Apparel & Accessories

hardened scales, thanks to a blessing of his goddess, Wearing his religious amulet underneath is armor, usually hidden. He got told to do so, because of the countless enemies who could take time and bother.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized in fightingstyle protection, doing back on back training with the temple knights of his birth place. His past as an acolyth, later becoming teacher himself, he gained the observant feat, enabling him to read lips in any language he understands.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



female Dragonborn, Halfdragon, Dragon


Acolyth, Teacher and Trainer


Woodcutter and Builder in Family Adventurer Fullfilling Temples Task

Accomplishments & Achievements

Married, gained a Rival, pleased his Goddess for now

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost to the underground arena champion and seeks revenge; A ghost in the groups tavern attacking him with chair multiple times, looking for a way to exorcist/sending him back

Mental Trauma

Heard the Voice of a Mind Flayer in his head.

Intellectual Characteristics

Average IQ Trying to be an inspiring Leader

Morality & Philosophy

He sees the good in everything at first; Believes, that he has to become the strongest to be of worth for Tiamat.


Killing / Torturing without reason

Personality Characteristics


His Faith into his Goddess and into the people of his Group

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bad in loosing, when it comes to test his strength and his pride.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes chicken and lizard like creatures   He dislikes failure and abusing

Virtues & Personality perks

Has made connections in the Hospize of Illmater in Waterdeep, granding him offers in healing/ curing topics   A godly blessing gained by doing a wealthy sacrifice, he has improved Strength and Constitution

Vices & Personality flaws

The more time passes, the pressure of fullfilling his Family Task is growing.

Personality Quirks

Hums while long traveling, trying to make use of the time.


Caused by wearing heavy armor basically all day long, he does some basic cleaning against the sweating every day and full body hygiene every 2nd or 3rd day.


Contacts & Relations

Knowing People from: gray hands, oder of gauntlets, follower of Tiamat... Nurse Florentine from the Illmaters Hospize in Waterdeep   Had contact with: people following Bahamut, Illmater... with underground battle arena, members of the "good" Zhentarim, Portas Father (a Noble in Waterdeep)   Having a unknown Rival, who swore revenge on me.   Familiar with my 5 Acolyths.   Friends with the adventurers im traveling with.   My Wife who remained in my hometown, when i left.

Family Ties

Father and Mother still alive My Dragonborn Clan called Mossborn

Religious Views

piety of 8 as a follower of Tiamat, religious Teacher and Oath with my Souvereign

Social Aptitude

Can be quiet charming, supporting teamplay and be silly to gift some smile.


Thumbs up for approval or scratches head in confussion. Grown up and lived in family surroundings, he tries his best with good manners towards other people, but often starts of sounding to familiar with strangers.

Hobbies & Pets

A guard drake   Hobbies are working out and Wood crafts


Like a big brother and trying to be a Leader, showing off as the brave one.

Wealth & Financial state

currently around 360 gold pieces

Protecting, faithful and brave Dragonborn proving his worth to his Goddess.

Current Location
On the Way to Dragonspear Castle
View Character Profile
lawfull good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The green Knight
Date of Birth
19th March
Kycromatee Village
Current Residence
Waterdeep in Trollskull Mannor
red eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Hello there~
Known Languages
Common Draconic Elvish Infernal

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