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Dueling for Reputation

Proving One's Strength

Long since kept out of the eyes of high-born society and educated within the household, Porta faces her first serious test as she is challenged to a Wizard's duel. To decline would be to lose face, and to lose in such a duel would be more shameful. After all, it would call into question her contribution to the adventure for the vault. Appearing as if she was naught but a little rich girl who bought her way into the august company that did the actual work.   That was an insult she could not stand, not at all.   So it was on the 12th of Alturiak, as the clock was to strike the third bell, that Lady Porta went to the Fetlock Court to duel her opponent.   The rules were simple, and followed the traditional rules within Waterdeep. In a Wizard's duel, you are expected but not required to forsake all magical items and rely solely upon your magical skills. Additionally, you had to stay within 60 feet of your opponent. Aside from these requirements, and the traditional three round structure, the duel is rather free form.  
  1. The first round would be defensive spells. Be it wards, illusionary copies, or shields.
  2. The second round was to be the counterspell round. The duellists were expected to cast a spell of reasonable power with the knowledge that it would be counterspelled by the opponent.
  3. The third round, and all following rounds, would see the duellists fight to either first blood, or unconsciousness. Traditionally, the challenger gets to choose what the victory condition is.
  It was in the counterspelling that Porta had the best chance of victory. Her studies into the deeper modes of Arcana had revealed much to her. Including the ability to turn the humble counterspell into a painful weapon. As her opponent quickly found out. High level spells that were counterspelled forced the man to endure painful consequences. Knocking the man down further and further.   It also demonstrated her aptitude for illusions and trickery. From trapping her opponent in his worst nightmares to using illusionary duplicates to deceive, it showed that strength can lie simply within defeat your opponent's mind rather than their body. Which isn't to say that she had an easy time of it. If she could not be easily targetted, then her opponent used area of effect spells. If she wished to hide behind illusionary duplicates, then he would use magic missiles to find the true Porta.   In this case, it was perhaps her combat experience that won her the day. Porta never stood still, never stood in the open if it could be helped, refused to give an easy target through invisibility or cover. It helped, at least enough, that by the end of the fight, she was able to cast a humble sleep spell to disable her opponent and thus win the duel. After all in such a state, it would be easy for any competent fighter to simply slit his throat, especially in a one on one duel.   And in winning the duel, she proved that she was not just riding the coattails of her companions, but seriously contributed to their efforts beyond wealth and connections. The truth of which would spread amongst certain social circles within the city.

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