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Neo Politan

Neo Politan

Neo Politan, a short, deadly mute. Wielding her lethal parasol and fearsome illusions, she's a sight to behold in a fight.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Having grown up malnourished, Neo is quite short for her age. However, exercise and a decent diet in later years have helped make her lithe, along with a healthy amount of combat and a amazing metabolism helping to make her strong and hardy despite her size.

Body Features

C cup breasts, nice thick ass, slender waist.

Facial Features

Her hair is multi colored, pink and brown. Her eyes are the same, one pink, and one brown. She can switch the colors between them at will.

Identifying Characteristics

Her unique sense of style and her stand out color scheme.

Apparel & Accessories

A parasol, that doubles as a weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the large and formidable city state of Vale, located on a isolated island far from the continent, Neo was born. The bastard child of a noble and his maid, she never was even meant to survive. She had been left on the street at three, most certainly not old enough to survive on her own. She did though, through the help of a few kind strangers over the years she managed. Learning to pickpocket and steal to survive from a young age, Neo would grow up underfed and it showed, the girl never really growing the way she should until later on in life. Having to fight for survival every day though did teach Neo a lot about life, and made her strong and hardy, resistant to much.   Eventually however, Neo would discover her one true passion in life. Magic. Having stolen a old spell book from a shop, she began on her life long journey to learn and study magic, to acquire power and wealth with it. She didn't want anyone to have to live like how she did, and this imbued her with a strong dislike of nobility.   Because of this, Neo would eventually use her skills to start heisting magical items, tomes, books, scrolls, anything of value truly, targeting the nobility specifically. This would lead to her downfall though, as one day she was caught, and banished from Vale. A merciful sentence, but fate had spared her that day. It was her father as the judge that day, though none realized it outside of him.

Gender Identity



Pansexual. Doesn't matter as long as she's into you.


Neo has a... unique education. While Neo never has had a formal education, she was taught to read and write by a fellow homeless person, a kind elderly woman named Mariam. Though they passed away after awhile, they had been able to teach her to read and write basic common, and even do simple math. Over the years, Neo picked up a variety of skills and knowledge in her thievery and survival on the streets. She learned how to speak Infernal from books she stole from a demon worshiper, she learned illusions from a scroll stolen from a well guarded vault.   Other than that, her education is lacking. High level math, she cannot do. Her history is lacking, though sometimes she might know some tidbit she read in a stolen book.


No legal employment, but for a year, Neo had worked for a criminal organization called the Raven Society.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Creating her parasol. Stealing the Gem of Reylor.   Stealing a prized horse right from under someone, without them noticing until she was gone.   Helped defeat Strahd in combat

Failures & Embarrassments

Was caught and banished from her homeland. Lost her voice due to her own greed and stupidity.   Being unable to whistle, at all. Even before she lost her voice.   She's been caught pickpocketing more times than she can count.   She once got drunk and had a illusion rob her... her own illusion. She didn't find her stuff until two days later.

Mental Trauma

Losing her voice, and being banished has affected her a lot.

Intellectual Characteristics

She isn't exactly stupid, she is intelligent in some ways, but in others, she isn't the brightest.

Morality & Philosophy

Neo is fairly simple. She doesn't have a exact hard list of morals, but she does try to not kill innocents without cause. She believes that a persons word is their bond. And she does care for her friends, though she struggles to show it at times.


Neo dislikes hurting kids, or getting involved with them in any way. She also dislikes straight up murder, for absolutely no reason.

Personality Characteristics


Power. Money, and power. So she can change things, and not have anyone else grow up like herself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Short, mute, and deadly rogue. A arcane trickster capable of weaving vast illusions. A fool.

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Date of Birth
20th of Nightal
Pink and Brown
Pink and Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Anything can be stolen.
Known Languages
Neo only knows two, Common, and Infernal.

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