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Porta Strelitzia

Lady Porta Strelitzia (a.k.a. Red Turtle)

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She's a woman. There's not much to say here.


Porta is more attracted to someone's personality rather than their physicality, being a shapeshifter herself and knowing others with the ability, she finds little issue in what someone's gender or appearance is.   She is still somewhat naive in the sexual world however and as such tends to be more submissive than dominant, allowing those with experience to guide her.


Porta was privately tutored within the family estate. The early years were primarily spent with her father under his tutelage as he taught her magic, basic arithmetic, literacy, letters, and other basic educational items. As time went on, her father's business interests expanded, and he could not spend as much time at home, leaving her education in the hands of private tutors and eventually her own personal interests.

While her father has done his best to keep Porta out of the world of the nobility, she was also taught how to act like a noble when she needs to, receiving a well-rounded education in logic, the various noble houses and their histories, how to dress and act as befitting a noble and other relevant items.

  She most often ignores these.


As a young noble, Porta has no formal employment with a contract. Instead, dividing her time between running a small tea business, leading an adventuring party and helping to manage the newly renovated Trollslayer Tavern.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Despite her young age, Porta has accomplished a great deal since starting her adventuring career and spreading her wings into the wider world. Some of her party adventuring highlights include
  • Rescuing the young Lord Neverembar
  • Killing a dangerous Mind Flayer slowly subverting the people of Waterdeep
  • Freeing a fallen warrior from his mindflayer master
  • Killing a rampaging troll
  • Rescuing a Noble Lady from her imprisonment and impersonation by a Devil
  • Destroying a dangerous automaton
  • Saving the lives of a 100 people from poison
Some of her more private achievements include
  • Creating several custom spells and spell variants
  • Successfully starting up a tea business.
  • Managing to bargain with an Archdevil and coming out unscathed

Failures & Embarrassments

Porta has been lucky in that there haven't been many embarrassments and failures, but as you might expect there have been some, the following are a few of the more significant ones.
  • Ending up naked after a fight
  • Swearing after nearly been killed
  • Losing her temper and fighting another Wizard over a staff
  • Almost allowing a hostage to die because we spent too long talking

Mental Trauma

Porta is mostly without mental trauma having survived most of her trials and tribulations without permanent harm. However, it's quickly growing on her that the stakes of her adventures are becoming more and serious with people she cares for getting targeted alongside her. Her choice to get the party outside Waterdeep was in part done to drag attention away from her family and friends within the city.

Intellectual Characteristics

By nature, she is fiery tempered, however experience in magic has tempered this down to a certain degree. In magic, haste can mean death. This has led her to often take time to consider and plan out a course of action. On some occasions however, failing an obvious logical plan, she's ready to go in and roll with the punches. Recent experience has seen her attempt diplomacy and interrogation as frequently as possible as her enemies are often unclear or hidden. This has on occasion placed her into conflict with her party. With her enemies hard to pin down, crafty and often hiding behind others, and coupled with a natural curiosity, Porta has a tendency to gather knowledge even if it is useless. She does this because while a fact of knowledge might be useless now, it may be useful later.

Morality & Philosophy

Porta believes in the letter of the law and her role inside it. However, as adventures have gone on, she has come to understand that sometimes the law is not the correct response to a problem. While she'll act according to the law where possible, she is willing to substitute her own judgement on matters if needed.   On a more personal level, she's willing to forgive many things, but a line is drawn when involving people outside the conflict or going after her family or loved ones. To do so is to invite the death of the person for trying to harm them.   In nearly all other occasions in her personal life, she is willing to forgive if not forget.


Having few personal taboos in regard to sexuality, she does have some behaviour taboos, including such things as placing
  • Children into harm's way
  • Placing innocents into harm's way
  • Endangering the City of Waterdeep
  • Attacking people uninvolved in a conflict
  • Attacking without reason
  • Taking advantage of the poor

Personality Characteristics


Porta's primary motivation is exploration, curiosity and adventure. Stuck primarily within her Family's estates or by her fathers side, she has seen little of the outside world and wants to explore, discover and experience everything. As time has gone on, she has added wanting to protect and help restore Waterdeep to her motivations. The City is her home, and she wants to keep it safe and make it proud.

Vices & Personality flaws

Much like her firery hair, Porta has a firey energy about her. Study and experience has tempered this to a degree, allowing her to focus and remain calm when needed but this due more to personal control than her personal disposition. This often leads to outbursts of emotion, irrational actions and hasty choices.


She maintains the highest form of cleanliness possible as often as she can. Often using cantrips and spells to keep herself, her environment and others clean. In some respects however she is quite messy, most often with her research filing system which while making perfect sense to her often leaves others completely and utterly confused.


Contacts & Relations

Despite her noble status, she has few contacts within the aristocracy due to her lack of socialization when she was younger. More recently she has made contacts with several people and formed relationships with others including
  • The Blackstaff
  • The owner of the Brave and the Rose
  • The young lord Neverembar
  • The noble family of the Cassalanters
She knows many others who are at least friendly to her.

Family Ties

She is the sole heir and second member of the main Strelitzia family house. The dynasty as a whole has several other related family houses spread out but many of them are very distant from the main branch for some reason. Should Porta fall, it's more than likely that the estate and possessions would fall into the hands of the City of Waterdeep before one of the other houses could place a claim upon the inheritance.

Religious Views

With evidence of gods and goddesses visibility present, Porta is not an atheist. This is especially accurate after having met at least one god. However, she is still undecided in whose tenants she follows, feeling that she has not met someone to properly worship yet. That said however, as a magic user, she does pay occasional homage towards Mystra as thanks for the weave and the many wonderful opportunities to explore it.

Social Aptitude

She is prone to fits of terror within large groups, suffering from not having dealt with them in any way, shape or form. However, many of her smaller interactions see her come out on top using her charm, position and quick wit to secure beneficial deals.     On occasion should events overwhelm her, she is likely to retreat and allow others to speak for her, a behaviour pattern she has had since she was young.


Porta is a mix of contradiction, preferring to follow her own judgement when it comes to people and things but believing that the rule of law must be obeyed. In personal settings she is kind and considerate, and often hot-tempered finding amusement and frustration in the actions of her peers and friends. Should the fancy take her, she is liable to be sly and teasing but only if she is extremely comfortable with someone. In more professional settings she attempts to remain calm and unfazed by events. Fully aware that her actions have consequences, in moments of stress or frustration however she can get the better of herself and end up making things worse.

Hobbies & Pets

Porta has never had a pet prior to her familiar, Malvagio. Malvi as Porta calls him is her beloved companion, familiar and friend, and she would never willingly part from him for more than a few hours. Porta's personal hobbies include reading for pleasure and profit, journaling, research of both the magical and non-magical kind as well as playing the lyre. She isn't great at chess or card games but can generally out play anyone at board games.


Largely a mix of formal forms and common styles, reflecting her upbringing in both a house of privilege and the less privileged workers in the house. When required she has been trained to speak both in the style as a noble and a commoner, but shifting away from her normal speaking pattern requires concentration on her part.


Wealth & Financial state

The Strelitzia Family Worth is approximately 40 million GP with accompanying Waterdeep Estate. The wealth is a fraction of what was once held in the Family's golden years but mismanagement, malice and disaster saw it dwindle until Porta's father returned the family to some measure of their original wealth.

A sheltered Noble Wizard, Lady Strelitzia is the heir to the Strelitzia family. Charming, friendly and non-judgemental, she's everything a noble isn't. Waterdeep isn't just a city, it's her city, and now she's going see what it's really made of.

Character Location
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Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
As a noble, she is entitled to be called Lady.
Current Residence
Strelitzia Estate
Vivid Bright Blue
Bright Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 8in
Quotes & Catchphrases
Porta has a few Virtues, primarily relating around her desire to avoid bloodshed, maintain the peace of Waterdeep and to make life around her better. Often leading her to take the harder but more rewarding path. She is most often kind, caring and considerate. As well as possessing a sense of personal control.
Known Languages
Porta knows several languages fluently including Common, Elvish, Gnomish and Infernal. She tends to speak in an unusual mix of noble forms and commoner styles in many of these languages. Reflecting her noble heritage and influence of the household staff in her upbringing. When needed, she can choose to speak in either form, but it takes some effort to remember the correct forms and styles for both the common and noble forms of languages. In Infernal, her accent and forms are entirely noble in nature reflecting her Infernal heritage.

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Lessons Learnt
23rd of Eleasis, 1502

Where do I even start? With how I messed up I suppose. I've already filed the after action report about what we've learnt but this is more personal. I made three mistakes today, and it cost at least one life and maybe three. And seriously risked my parties.   I shouldn't have ignored the scout, that was the first mistake. After chasing it off, we should have moved the camp. It would have made things harder, but we could have agreed a spot and gone there. Ranger Ron is dead because of it.   Not preparing more traps. Hexan, the bastard, was right this time. He always says he is, but this time he actually was. He was right. The traps helped, and perhaps had we forced them to look for us they would have worked. Gods damn it   Assuming the enemy didn't know about us. Gods, the arrogance, to assume that we went unnoticed despite attacking two of their forces. Despite the scout. Gods, that was stupid. So gods damned stupid. I can only hope that this won't kill us all.


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